Just too cute!

Sep 17, 2007 19:19

In this post, i'm going to discuss a couple of things that are probably spoiler-y.  But I will relate it back to Winchullivan

Has anyone seen the SPN s3 epi 2 photos?  The ones for the epsiode with the kid?

The kid who looks Just. Like. Dean.  Right down to the bowlegged, wearing identical jeans with identical holes in them, and having identical pairs of boots on.

OMG!  I think I'm flailing from overload of  teh cute!

I saw the photos, and I thought: Hello Chance! :)

Saw them on 
blacklid   http://blacklid.livejournal.com/17108.htmland 
moondropz   http://moondropz.livejournal.com/102646.html LJ's

Go look for yourself, because I won't swipe the images :)


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