Critters, an online critique group is having their annual best of poll for writing. Bride of Tranquility is one of the novels that is nominated in the Science Fiction and Fantasy category.
I know that some of you have read the book and (hopefully) liked it. Now I would appreciate your vote. (And if you feel like passing this around, I wouldn't object :)
The category is Science Fiction and Fantasy novel. The book is Bride of Tranquility. As far as I know, you don't have to be a registered member of Critters to vote. Just give them your name and respond to the e-mail that they send you to prove that you're a real person.
The poll is only open through January 14.
The address is also! There is one more day to order Bride of Tranquility from Yard Dog Press and qualify for the chance to win Swag through the book promotion.