Fic: 12 Moments of Christmas

Dec 23, 2008 09:00

Today is Christmas Fic day at spawnfic_tues .  In honor, I've written this story.

Fic: 12 moments of Christmas.
Author:  Pen37
Series: Chance Winchesterverse
Beta: divas_lament 
Fandoms: Supernatural, Smallville
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Rating: G (It's a christmas fic!)
Wordcount: 1,424



Sam frowned at his phone. Dean's voice sounded muffled over the line.



That was all that Sam needed to hear. He left his newspaper and the steaming latte and hoofed it over to Dean's garage to make sure everything was okay. There he found his brother dangling upside down off the roof in a tangle of lights.

“Whose idea was this?” Sam asked as he helped Dean untangle himself.

“Chloe's,” Dean grumbled.

“Chloe's?” Sam raised his eyebrows.

“Mostly,” Dean looked away. “She said that Chance liked seeing the lights on the Kent barn.”

“Yeah? Well the lights on the Kent barn were put there by a flying farmer.”

“I can still do better,” Dean grumbled.

Sam rolled his eyes.


It wasn't easy to sneak up on a Winchester.

Between Dean's hunter instincts and Chance's Irish Wolfhound, Chloe hadn't been able to accomplish it.

But now, father and son were sacked out on the couch. Dean snoring, Santa hat perched at a rakish angle. On his chest, their infant son lay drooling. Jack-Jack slept on the floor next to them.

Chloe held her cell phone around the corner, and snapped the photo.

She smiled tenderly at the picture they made, then she texted it to Sam. You really had to see this to believe it.


“Stone, Queen.” Dean nodded to the superheroes as they sat on the little bench in the hall outside Chloe's other office. He barely raised an eyebrow at their flamboyant dress. It must be one of those days.

“Lex trouble,” Stone looked sheepish.

Dean nodded, and then walked down the hall to the kitchen. He was in the process of fixing himself a cup of coffee when he realized that the two of them had followed.

“Something I can do for you?” He turned and raised an eyebrow.

Stone and Queen looked at each other. Then Queen nudged Stone. “Ask him.”

Victor looked down, and Dean swore that he was blushing to the tips of his ears. “Ah . . .Dean. It's about . . . well, you and Chloe.”

Instantly, Dean was on his guard. “What about us?”

“Well, during the holidays . . . a man has certain needs. As long as you two have been married, she wouldn't deny you, would she?”

Dean sighed. So that was what this was about.

“She won't let me have any of the truffle elfs.”

“Dinah's the same way,” Oliver put in glumly. “Damn, I was hoping that things changed when you got married.”

“Oh, they do.” Dean said. “She'll let Chance have all he wants.”

The two heroes winced at that.

“It's worse than I thought,” Stone muttered.


“No, Mommy!”

Chloe paused, one hand hanging in midair over her radio docking station. She looked into her rearview mirror to see Chance - sitting in his big boy seat, a Santa hat perched crookedly on his head.

“What's that, Sweetie?” She asked.

“Not that!” Chance said.

Chloe frowned as Irving Berlin's White Christmas played through the speakers.

“Don't you like Christmas music?” She asked.

“No!” Chance said. “Play Daddy Christmas Music!”

With a sigh, Chloe reached for Trans Siberian Orchestra.


“Dean!” Chloe slapped his hand.

“Ow!” Dean hissed and drew his hand back. “What?”

“Mrs. Kent sent you a whole pie. Do you really need to eat the sugar cookies, too?”

“I’m hungry!” Dean protested.

“They're for the Christmas party!”

The sound of giggling broke the argument up. Chloe and Dean turned - to find the cookie plate empty - except for a few crumbs.

The giggling sound receded until it was cut off by the sound of Chance's door closing.

“He gets it from you,” Chloe said.

“Me? You're the family's criminal mastermind.”

Chloe sighed. “I suppose I could always raid the pastry case over at The Talon.”



“Yeah, hon?” Chloe looked up from Dean's tax receipts for the past year. Why she insisted on going through those things now was beyond Dean. But he knew better than to ask. Asking meant he got to hear her rant about his record keeping.

“Why are we getting a card from a lady with nine cats?”

Chloe looked at the photo. “Oh, that's Nell Potter.”

“Do we know her?”

“Sorta,” Chloe winced. “She's Lana's aunt.”

“Why is she sending us a card?”

“I used to be beneath her notice. Then I won that Pulitzer. Now, she's nice to me because it's the society thing to do.”

“And why does she have nine cats?”

Chloe grinned. “It's kind of a stage mom thing. She likes to show . . . things. When Lana was little, she got forced into all these horse shows. Now that Lana is on her own, Nell's taken to showing angora cats.”

Dean took one more look at the card. “That . . . actually explains a lot about Lana.”

“Gee, you think?” Chloe grinned.


Things were quiet in the Winchester house. The kind of quiet that comes when two people are mad at one another. The kind where you say a lot without saying anything.

Finally, Chloe broke the silence - and the truce. “I told you to make sure.”

“Santa is Santa,” Dean grumbled.

“Not when his eyes are a different color than last year,” Chloe said.

“What kind of kid notices that?”

“I did at his age,” Chloe said.

“Great. Then it's your fault.”

The frosty silence that followed left no doubt in Dean's mind. It was going to be a cold night on the couch.


Chloe frowned at the number of gifts under their tree. She had the niggling worry that maybe they were spoiling Chance a little too much. Part of it was her fault, she knew. Christmas had never been big after her mom left, so she was trying to make up for lost time.

But Dean deserved a bigger share of the blame. He just went overboard with everything. From the little electronic train that went around the base of the tree, to the seven-foot pre-lit evergreen itself. To the Christmas village with the little automated ice-skaters.

She thought that the overboard was mostly because this was the first point in his life that he could have any type of Christmas at all.

In retrospect, she should have seen it coming. Dean's two most treasured possessions were his amulet and his car. The amulet was small and portable. The car was highly mobile. When they'd started dating, his gifts were practical things like computer parts.

Even after all this time, he didn't have anything that she would consider a frivolous luxury.

But something about having Chance changed all this. It was as if having a son had given him the space, at least at Christmas, to be a kid again.

So, as she piled yet more gifts under the tree, she decided that just this one year, it would be okay to have a lot of gifts. But next year, she was putting her foot down.


It started when Mary punched Joseph. Sometime around the point that the Christmas angel knocked over the tree while dodging out of the way of the wrestling shepherds and wise men, Dean was sure of two things: One, Chance was somehow at fault, and two, they were all in trouble.

But really, they should have seen it coming when Chance got cast as Joseph, and Lena as Mary.


“Start the car Sam!” Dean screamed as he ran for the Impala. He slid over the hood just like Bo Duke, and flung himself into the passenger seat.

“Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!”

Sam pealed out just ahead of their pursuer. Once they were safely on the interstate, he glared at Dean disapprovingly.

“Was it really worth all that just to get a Mr. Tickle Giggles?”

Dean hugged the box to him. “Oh yeah!”


“Er? Silent night. Holy night. . . . Virgin? . . . Baby? . . . in a manger . . . And three round guys?”

Lena rolled her eyes as Chance butchered his way through her favorite carol. “Who taught you to sing, anyway?”


When Santa came down the chimney, Sam and Dean were already waiting.

So was anti-Claus.

They'd trussed him up tight with lights from the tree and put a bow on his head.

Santa chuckled, and laid a finger aside his nose.

“I knew I could count on you,” he told the brothers. “That's why I called Chloe to start with.”

“Yeah, we're awesome,” Dean muttered quickly. “Now about this Christmas list.”

“Dean!” Sam slapped his shoulder.

“What?” Dean said. “Think I read Chinese? That Big Wheel won't put itself together.”

chance winchester, spawnfic_tues, chance winchesterverse, ben braeden, chance, chloe/dean

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