Oct 24, 2008 00:42
Tonight's episode? Way better than last week.
Dear SV: I like my show to have a point. Other than "We didn't give you 7 years of backstory to advance the plot in the direction we want to go. So instead you have this piece of WTFery." This week=win. Last week=epic fail.
Show, show. Don't tell.
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I agree with the transition thing. If anything, the characters can be really fickly sometimes. I do believe there were hints of Clois in last season, albeit very subtle ones. When Lois goes to Clark, upset about dumping Ollie, Clark comes up with the perfect words to soothe her, and I think that hinted that Lois felt something about Clark, even if it wasn't deep feelings at that stage.
I guess I don't realise whether there isn't a point to an episode or not.
Maybe a reason they gave us the "Chloe luvs Jimmy 4ever" thing is because it's probably going to be tested in the next few eppys, if the rumours of a Chloe/Jimmy/Doomsday is to be believed. If they'd shown us that all of last season, we wouldn't have seen the doubt she had last season, or our doubts even. Maybe there's a reason; maybe not. The SV writers aren't quite as good or tactful as the SN ones.
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