Fic: Ghost (1/1)

Jun 18, 2007 09:39

This was inspired by the week 1 prompt for

firstline_fic  : "Let me tell you how this all began."  
 It is, naturally, Chloe/Dean (seems that I don't write much else lately.  Can we say Obsession?)
And I'm also submitting it for an entry into
crossovers100.  (prompt#45 moon).

Ghost (1/1)
Fandoms: Smallville, Supernatural
pairing: Chloe/Dean/Impala  (chleanpala?)
rating: R (smut, but not graphic) 
Summary: Chloe thinks her dad's car may be haunted.

I think this idea may have been leftover from the last Chloe/Impalla story that I did, though this story is in no way related to that one.

“Let me tell you how this all began.” Chloe stopped herself, and shook her head. She was talking to the car again. It wasn't exactly something that would land her in Belle Reeve. But it couldn't be a good thing.

“Scratch that - I don't really remember how it all began. But I think it began with the end of my world. And my world ended with a rain of fire from the sky. It's kind of funny how I can't remember it. Kind of ironic that I wouldn't know about the world ending for another eighteen years.”

She laughed bitterly. “There's enough irony to keep Alannis occupied for a while: I've been meteor infected for eighteen years. I'm possibly going to develop dangerous powers - with a side helping of crazy. And I'm talking to my dad's car.”

In retrospect, she was very glad that she couldn't get anyone to come with her on this trip to see her mom. Initially, she'd been bummed that Clark or Lois weren't available. She would have even taken Lana's self-involvement over the long stretches of silence in which she had to think about her own problems.

But the whole trip out to Star City, she'd felt this presence. Like she wasn't alone in the car. And before you could say One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, she was talking to it.

She first sensed the presence when Mrs. Kent's apple pie vanished. There really wasn't anywhere it could have gone. It was there when she started on the trip, and it was gone when she got to the hotel that night.

She was from the land of the weird, home of the strange. So she didn't settle on 'going crazy' as a theory until much later. First, she pulled over at a car wash, and checked the car for meteor rocks.

When he wasn't in Taiwan setting up factories, her dad drove a restored Chevy Impala that he'd gotten in a trade for her old Ford Fury. Last week, when a dinosaur squished the Yarris, she knew she would be borrowing the Impala for the foreseeable future. Because saving the world? Not something your insurance adjuster believes when he's cutting the checks.

No meteor rocks, so no Stephen-king inspired meteor wackiness, vehicular wise. Which meant that it had to be her.

“Maybe I should just check myself in when I get to the hospital. I can have the bed right next to mom.”

She sighed. “Okay, melodramatic much? Normally I don't mope, but I'm scared. I don't want to be meteor-infected. And I don't want to be crazy. I'm terrified that I'm going to wake up homicidal, and that Clark is going to have to keep me from hurting other people. And I can admit that now, because when I get there, I've got to go back to being strong and holding everything and everyone else together.”

She suspected it was a mini-bout of depression, because she felt so damn tired.

Unbidden, the urge to take a nap stole over her.

Why not, she thought. There wasn't a deadline to get to Star City. So she pulled the car over, and lay down in the backseat.

Hope things will look better when I wake up. She thought morosely.

* * *

He came to her in her dreams. His presence engulfed her. Strong arms surrounding her. Smelling like leather and soap. He knew how to touch her in all the right ways. Reassuring. Trailing feather-light kisses down her neck. Bringing her right to the keen edge of ecstasy, and keeping her there for an eternity before sending her crashing over the brink.

Afterward, she nestled in his arms, with his lips caressing the shell of her ear.

You're not crazy. He whispered.

* * *

She woke alone, in the backseat of the car. Feeling all kinds of good sore. With a strange little brass amulet around her neck.

firstline_fic, crossovers_100, supernatural, chloe, chloe/dean, smallville, dean, impala

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