Superbadfic XXV: Pure Crack(1/1)
Story by: Pen37
Photos by:
screencap paradise,
Summary: I have no one to blame for this but myself.
Author: pen37
Beta: lyonza
Fandom: Supernatural
Classification: Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
pairings: None
The rest of the superbadfic series is
Rating: G
Warning: There are photos. May not be dialup friendly.
Sam looked up in confusion. When did they swap out the Impala for a hot air balloon?
Dean ignored Sam in favor of working on some widget or other. Or it could be that if he looked up, he would have to ignore the monkey sitting on his shoulder. For some reason that Sam couldn't understand, Dean hated monkeys, and had ever since those twins showed up a couple of weeks back.
Finally, his brother looked up in annoyance. “What?”
Sam pointed upward in response. “Balloon?”
“Yeah,” Dean said with a sigh. “Remember last week when the author said that every fic was better with monkeys and dirigibles?”
“Yeah - Don't forget pirates.”
“Dude - Look at the way you're dressed.”
Sam looked down at his clothes. Then he did a double take. “How did I get a peg leg?”
“Don't ask.”
“Is our author on crack?”
“I think she was suthored.”
“You make her sound like Darth Vadar.”
Dean nodded. “That's why I'm building this.” He held up a weird looking contraption. “It's a giant canonizer-bomb. That should knock the stu-ffing out of her.”
Sam went to scratch his head - and stopped when he realized that he had a hook instead of a hand. “Hurry, Dean.”
Just then a group of four men walked up carrying musical instruments. “'ello Luv,” the guy in the front said. “May we borrow your dirigible to escape our legions of fans in an unusually screwball, yet cinematic fashion?”
A/N: I bet you can all figure out who the musical group is.