Fic: Superbadfic XVII: The Girl with the Eyes (1/1)

Jun 26, 2008 11:43

Fic: Superbadfic XVII: The Girl With the Eyes(1/1) 
Story by: Pen37
Photos by: screencap paradise,
Summary:  She bends the rules of time and space 
Author: pen37, 
Beta: lyonza
Fandom: Supernatural
Classification: Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
pairings: None

The rest of the superbadfic series is here.

Rating: PG for language

Warning: There are photos.  May not be dialup friendly.

Sam threw himself between Dean and the girl with the eyes.

Unphased, Dean raised the canonizer and pointed it at them. “Out of the way, Sammy. I'm going to cannonize this bitch.”

“”No, Dean!” Sam shook his head. “You don't know what we're dealing with!”

“Oh come on, Sam, she's infected! Look at her eyes!”

Sam glanced over his shoulder at the girl. Her eyes changed from cerulean to beryl to chartreuse. She blinked myopically up at him. “I have macular degeneration,” she said in her own defense.

He sighed and cursed Dean for walking in when he had.

* * *

5 minutes prior.

An insistent knocking on the motel room door drew Sam's attention. He put down his book, stood and crossed the room. Before he could reach the entrance, the door flew open and a skinny blonde burst through the portal and threw herself at him.

“Sam Winchester?” She sobbed into his chest. Actually, it sounded more like she was asking for Sal Dorchester - but Sam figured it was close enough.

“Yes?” he asked cautiously.

“Oh thank goodness! You've got to help me!”

Then she looked up. Sam caught one look at her ebony/gold/grey eyes and froze.

She chattered on - oblivious to his fear.

“It started with my eyes. Then my complexion cleared up. Now all of a sudden I've got these damn bluebirds following me around.” She looked up at him with one mahogany eye and one of robin's egg blue. Both of them filled with despair.

“You've got to help me, Sam! I'm afraid that I'm becoming something unnatural.”

Just then, the door opened again, and Dean walked in.

* * *

Sam pulled Dean aside for a hastily whispered conversation. “I think we're dealing with a parody sue. The lore about them is similar to werewolf legends. They start out as normal fictives - then they gradually become sues against their will.”

“Can it be stopped?” Dean asked.

“If the fictive fights it - the change can be delayed.” Sam said.

Dean sighed. “But not stopped.”

“No,” Sam shook his head.

“Look,” Dean patted Sam's shoulder sympathetically. “A sue is a sue, Sam. I say - cannonize em' all, let a beta sort em' out.”

“Except for the parody part,” Sam thumped Dean in the head. “You canonize her - and it could rip a hole in the space time continuum - or the plot at the very least.”

“So how do we deal with this?” Dean frowned.

Sam scratched his head. “Lemme think about it and get back to you.”

Dean glanced over Sam's shoulder at the girl and her silver/jade/paisley eyes. “Hurry, Sam!”

To be continued.

superbadfic, crackfic, ficspam, dean, fanfic, sam

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