Hey! Did you know I'm a writer?

Feb 02, 2008 23:43

Okay folks, this is the post where I take off my sparkly fanfic hat, and put on the big purple one with the long feather sticking out the back.

Yes, that's right, I'm being a good writer-ho, and putting on my pro!writer pimp hat.

*clears throat.*

The Benbella Books (who, by the way, are the guys doing the Supernatural Smart pop anthology)  anthology Best of Bubbas of the Apocolypse (which includes my short story, Attack of the Godless, Undead Zombies)  Is now available for preorder on Amazon.com.

It comes out in August 2008, but if you order now, Amazon will let you have this title for the low-low price of $11.00.

In the words of Bev Hale:  If you have never experienced the Bubba's Universe--and you really should--this collection brings together twenty authors from the four book and showcases some truly awesome fiction...and gives you the opportunity to taste the strange and wonderful shared world, where Bubbas rule and Yumbies (Young Upwardly Mobile Zombies) keep trying to take a bite outta old Ned or Joe Bob or his pretty wife Nadine...

The link is here.

*takes off pimp hat, and puts sparkly fanfic hat back on*

We now return you to your regularly-scheduled insantiy.


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