Today's been a day that I really, really should be getting my butt in gear and doing work. Instead I've tidied (there were Christmas presents and decorations everywhere, it needed to be done...), wrote a little bit, read some more of the newest Patricia Cornwell book, watched some old episodes of Greys and discussed whether or not JCap has a belly button or not (and as a result if she is in fact real, naturally) because of a few photos.
Only one word for it: Hilarious. (And a bit ridiculous, too; granted)
Definitely a much better way to spend my time than doing work though...
Exhibit A:
So she looks super cute (and so does Eve) but 1) how on earth is she standing like that? and 2) Belly button, what belly button?
(No, its definitely not a weird thing to notice/be obsessed by for an afternoon...*shifty eyes*)
Exhibit B:
Another gorgeous photo, but seriously, the belly button? Where is it? It looks kinda strange.
(Sure, it'll be under her hand/the srategically placed fur coat but still, that's 2 pictures...and once you notice it you keep on noticing it)
It's obvioualy very, very clear that I'd do just about anything to avoid work today and staring at pictures of JCap (and discussing the absence of a belly button) is definitely not a hardship.
Maybe tomorrow I'll actually get some work done...maybe.