Just a few thoughts on Prison Break's return and why I think that even if the writer's don't read fanfic...their partners do and probably dicuss them over the breakfast cereals....
I've put it under a cut partly because not everyone may want to read my inane ramblings and the final paragraph contains a comment on epi 3 which is probably spoilerish although it's already been shown in a promo, so I'm never quite sure?
OK I now forget how much I love/hate tuesdays. I go to bed monday night in dear old england knowing that when I wake up the States will have seen the newest episode. I then spend an anxious half hour searching for a decent torrent, starting the upload... rolling my eyes when it tells me it will take 67 hrs...and then watch as the time hopefully decreases to something nearer 6 hrs before I'm satisified its working.
I usually chat with a couple of mates who are also online doing the d/l bit...and try to keep off all PB boards/forums because they're all squeeing and I haven't seen it yet....
I leave a huge notice on the monitor for my 3 teenage kids to not turn the PC off because mommie dearest is d/l PB and if they value their lives and mobile phone contracts they DO NOT TOUCH.
Then an anxious day at work, is the d/l still working? can I stop myself popping into TWOP or EX or my flist even though I know there is electronic monitoring of the sites we hit at work and do I really want my obsession giggled over by the IT dept....?
I drive home like a maniac...check the d/l and....yesterday it said another 10 hrs - only 47% done???? WTF.
Normally that would induce me to mind blowing rage and panic and the kids will decide its probably not a good time to ask what's for tea...(they have seen one uncontrollable moment during S2 when I was in tears because a d/l turned out to be password protected and no password... we shall gloss over that rather inglorious moment)
However skyone is showing PB just a day after the States so tuesday evening come what may I will get to see it... But somehow it's not quite the same, I love having the epis on my PC so I can go back, rewatch them..and we don't have the Brit version of tivo or a recorder attached to the TV and with that logic I feel i still need a d/l copy.
It's Wednesday now and I've seen both episodes on the telly and on the computer courtesy of free to watch online sites (the download finally took 23 hrs and didn't work...groan)and I feel more....calm...grounded....lol
My thoughts? I kinda liked them, but agree with a lot who feel the editing was too choppy and some scenes were just too rushed. I felt like I was watching a book synopsis being filmed rather than the book itself. But on the other hand WEM was on our screens so my critical eye kinda glazes over when confronted with the pretty.
It was however a little freaky to see how close my last fic 'Fighting Back' came on a few points,
the deal with the feds/homeland security - company/general destroyed or jail
the leg tag!
the company data they had to get to bring them down
setting it in LA (okay i know my guys went all over central america and the American SW but they ended up in LA!)
a rendezvous scene at Santa monica beach with michael
oh and this next bit is a spoilerish but- a computer room, a fire alarm and a fire safety system that sucks oxygen out?(mine filled the room with halon but same difference) *cough*
I know TPTB do not read fan fic but come on...Maybe I should sue..or at least insist on an in depth solo meeting with WEM (dinner and coffee back at his place might just do it) to placate an angry author who feels Fox have stolen her ideas.......
or should I worry that the writers who sometimes make me groan with frustration at their ideas think like me...... hmmmm