Today's awesome comic came from DarkfireTaimatsu, who didn't give me a webpage or anything to plug... but he posts regularly in the comments, so I guess you can give him props there. PROPS, YO!
And don't worry, you'll see more of June and Shelly when I come back from hiatus... speaking of which, the last day of my hiatus is Thursday, so if you want to send me a guest strip, send it to
Now, it's time for a FOOD REVIEW! Today's review is the Sonic the Hedgehog popsicle from Blue Bunny. Yes, something not fast food related and reasonably less deadly to my soul. My wife got me this when the ice-cream man came by. It was a pleasant surprise since I didn't even know they made Sonic popsicles, and since Sonic is kind of topical for Femmegasm, I figured it would make a fun review. So let's open this thing up and see what it looks like.
Hrmmm... well it's blue... and white... and attempts to be spikey.... it's vaguely Sonic is editable ice-cream form. Good enough for me. Despite my mocking I will at least give them props for remembering that Sonic's eyes are, in fact, green and thus gave him matching green gumball eyes. Good job, Blue Bunny. So it's appearance is a reasonable ice-cream representation of Sonic, even if he looks like he just walked in on Vector and Espio doing the wild thing.
So how does the popsicle taste, you ask? Quite good. Sonic's muzzle is flavored cherry while the rest of him is flavored as blue raspberry. Seems sensible... even though I don't recall raspberries ever being blue... unless they've gone REALLY BAD. Also since it's a Blue Bunny popsicle it tastes less like flavored ice and more like ice-cream which is a definite plus. It's creamy, tastes good, and is solid enough that it didn't melt all over the place when I ate it. In fact I don't think a drop of it fell anywhere in my living room once... unless Daisy slurped it up before I was able to see it.
The only thing I didn't like about it were the gumballs. I never liked having gumballs in my popsicles because it always makes me paronoid that I'm going to accidentally swallow it. Not to mention being in a frozen treat like this also causes them to be rock hard and thus annoying to chew to begin with. That aside I think the popsicle was quite tasty and I'd like to get another one the next time the ice-cream man comes by. Too bad they only make ones of Sonic, I would've loved to have ones based on the rest of the Sonic cast. Granted the furries don't need to fulfill they're want to eat Tails.
As a little bonus, here's a picture of the popsicle my wife got for herself, it's supposed to be Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls, but to be honest it looks more like some frightning child zombie, especially with those scary soulless eyes. She was flavored as Cherry, which I felt didn't make any sense. You'd figure Bubbles would be blueberry or blue raspberry seeing as she's, y'know blue and all. But no, she's cherry. I'd figure that would be a flavor for Blossom, but hey, what do I know.