once again: about snow!

Apr 06, 2009 03:38

I have been posting most sporadically this semester...but scenes such as the one outside tonight are not such as can be kept to oneself. Long story short: We just had a surprise April snowfall. Short story longer:

I just walked back through one campus and it was possibly the most beautiful I have ever seen it. 3am, early April, and four inches of (still falling) wet, flaky snow that has clung to everything. Every twig, every branch, the bark and the lamps, everything-covered in inches of snow. Everything filled out, made larger, made new and mysterious; and for the first time I saw the lamps dotting campus for what they really are. They are the lights of faerie. They are not the dull orange lamps of the rest of the year; they are the bright eyes of another realm filling the alabaster world with their cheerful, cold, living glow. Trees and bushes bend beneath the weight of the snow, sometimes rustle beautifully in the wind, dropping chunks of their burden (silvae laborantes!); it is faerie. Campus is literally different tonight. There is reality out there, in the snow carefully clinging to every point of the eagles’ wings, and the shining seldom-revealed lights and the tall white enrobed trees; reality that only now and then-perhaps only today, only today out of all eternity-has shown itself to the mortal eyes of a few students, stumbling to their dorms through grace and wonder and falling snow.  
I wish you were all here to see it :)

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