Thoughts followed by stats

Oct 04, 2018 08:28

The first half of this post is rambling thoughts. The second is a report on a chatzy personality poll. Read on at your own risk.

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statistics, personality theory, pointless rambling, chatzy, thinking, psychology, mbti, probably a completely incorrect analysis, numbers, enneagram

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pelydryn77 October 5 2018, 18:45:06 UTC
ok, based on these other numbers.


Here is the correlation:
Global percent Chatzy percent
ISFJ 13.8 3
ESFJ 12.3 0
ISTJ 11.6 3
ISFP 8.8 3
ESTJ 8.7 3
ESFP 8.5 0
ENFP 8.1 12
ISTP 5.4 0
INFP 4.4 26
ESTP 4.3 0
INTP 3.3 11
ENTP 3.2 0
ENFJ 2.5 6
INTJ 2.1 14
ENTJ 1.8 0
INFJ 1.5 20

Okay, I got excel to make a chart. How to get it to LJ? Hmmmm. This might call for a new post. If I can figure out why the stats were different, and see how different they actually are, and damn, why didn't I ever take a stats class so I can know what I'm doing?


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