Jul 18, 2005 22:48
yay? hm, hi. hellluuuu from teh k-t. yay. say hellu back you worthless
assholes. i hope you choke on you fucking semen you nasal fucking
mexicans. niggers. i piss in your eye. yeah. <333333
k-ts here, were...um. sitting? mcdonalds. i like it. codes. yay.
neeeeopeeeettttssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thirst. wow. we have no
food. CUNT FAAAAACE. heh. -pokes you- alive?? bored. hehheheehehe.
anyways... >.>
2m we are doing... i dunno. and the day after...i
dunno... and um the day after... i dunno. past that... well i
know...that... i am unsure of what we wil be doing. so... in other
words... this week is a MYSTERY! SI!!!!!!!
do whop a diddie do
my name joe.
and i work
ina button factory
i have a wife
and a dog
and a family
one day
my boss came up to me
and said
"Joe, are ya busy?"
i said no
he said then push the button with your left hand.
hi. my name joe. and
i work
ina button factory
i have a wife
and a dog and a family
one day
my boss came up to me and said
"Joe, are ya busy?"
i said no.
he said then push the button with your right hand. hi. my name joe. and
i work
ina button factory
i have a wife
and a dog and a family
one day
my boss came up to me and said
"Joe, are ya busy?"
i said no.
he said then push the button with your left foot.
hi. my name joe. and i work
ina button factory
i have a wife
and a dog and a family
one day
my boss came up to me and said
"Joe, are ya busy?"
i said no.
he said then push the button with your right foot.
hi. my name joe. and i work
ina button factory
i have a wife
and a dog and a family
one day
my boss came up to me and said
"Joe, are ya busy?"
i said no.
he said the push the button with your head.
hi. my name joe. and i work
ina button factory
i have a wife
and a dog and a family
one day
my boss came up to me and said
"Joe, are ya busy?"
i said no.
he said then push the button with your penis! (that isnt really in the
song...but if one was HARD enough i think its possible.