Out of celebration of finally being out of my first trimester (actually it depends on who you ask, I've noticed that some people say 13 weeks is the end some say 12) I've decided to write out my IUI experience.
I have no idea! I tried googling how much sperm normally makes it into the uterus and I couldn't find anything :/
I remember watching a show on TV a couple years ago how sperm makes it to the egg. They used humans to recreate the "horrors" that the sperm has to go through. It was very interesting and scary. It's crazy to me to imagine that I had three eggs, 1.8 million sperm and got 1`baby out of the deal.
lol, I have no idea what I would have done. At the office I went to they actually can refuse to do the actual IUI procedure if you have too many follicles, too much of a higher chance of multiples.
When my doctor did the first ultrasound she was relieved that I was only carrying one child. She is very adamant about her dislike of carrying two or more children. I guess she's seen too many bad things happen.
I do know that two or more fetuses almost automatically gets a pregnancy deemed high risk by many ob-gyns these days, and I'd guess it's for good reasons.
I remember watching a show on TV a couple years ago how sperm makes it to the egg. They used humans to recreate the "horrors" that the sperm has to go through. It was very interesting and scary. It's crazy to me to imagine that I had three eggs, 1.8 million sperm and got 1`baby out of the deal.
When my doctor did the first ultrasound she was relieved that I was only carrying one child. She is very adamant about her dislike of carrying two or more children. I guess she's seen too many bad things happen.
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