Galentine's Day!!!!!

Feb 13, 2017 20:40

Happy Galentine's Day, all my people!!!! This is absolutely my favorite made up holiday of the year, even if I've mostly been too busy today to appreciate it.

Today for my writing prompt,
runawaynun asks me to "Describe the perfect Galentine's Day celebration."

Hmm. On one hand, I'm so easy. Girlfriends, travel, wine. I mean,
gabolange and I have actually done this, more or less, the past two years, heading for warmer climes in the winter (Mexico two years ago, and I think we actually hit Galentine's Day that time, Vegas last year, a couple weeks later). So seasonally, travel to warm places seems to be the thing. (This year we're waiting until April and going to Chicago, but whatever.)

Since this is supposed to be "perfect": I don't know, y'all, what warm sunny place do we want to lounge around in some February? I would suggest grabbing
gabolange and
chaila and
runawaynun and
beccatoria and all the gang, and going to...Hawaii, maybe? It is peak humpback whale season in Maui this time of year. And there could be hiking and outdoorsy things, for those who want them, and loungy beach things, for those who want that, and brightly colored fruity beach drinks, but also good wine and good food. And whales. So yes. I think girlfriend trip to Hawaii in February would be my perfect Galentine's Day!


In other news, I said I would get in the habit of doing Call the Midwife reviews this series. But ugh, I was mostly just annoyed with that episode. There was SO MUCH POTENTIAL, and most of it was wasted.

I think it's shockingly lazy that in this whole big storyline about adoption NO ONE MENTIONS that hey, Angela Turner is adopted! Wonder what the Turners have to say about that?! Especially in this particular context where they could be losing the child they're trying to have biologically. I get that they're trying to fit a lot in, but how hard would it have been! Patrick was there at the birth, so he could talk to Shelagh about this? Or to Tom? Or there was a spoiler running around ahead of time that Tom would visit Shelagh in the hospital, presumably in some pastoral capacity, and that would have been a really interesting conversation, potentially, even though who actually cares about Tom. But then that scene, if it ever existed, did not make it in to the final cut. But mostly, gah, show, pay attention and connect your dots!!!!

This also feeds into my general discontent with Shelagh's pregnancy story, which feels so much like it's undercutting everything that happened in seasons 3-5. We got this whole beautiful arc of "she is not her fertility! Look at her full and rich life!" And now it feels like we're back to "oh, maybe this is all about her fertility again." And I wasn't rooting for her to lose the baby or anything, but I also think it's lazy to play the standard TV card and give the terribly hard story to the character of the week we'll never see again while there are no evident negative consequences for our beloved regular. [insert eyeroll emoji here] Mostly I'm grumpy that they're doing this plot in the first place, but I'd basically been okay with the execution for the first three eps: like, if you have to, okay, at least the Turners are being adorable about it, and I do enjoy that. But this episode just made me cranky. Lazily plotted. And all the Turner interaction could have been so much better than it was. I enjoyed the stuff with Tim and each of his parents, but I wanted it to be so much better. Oh well.
gabolange has promised me fix-it fic.

I do worry that we're going to get more negative consequences for a beloved regular than we can bear when they find poor Cynthia, though. (Either that or it will be horrifying but then somehow be made better in a way that will also make me cranky. I don't know why I expect consequences for the main cast in this show, though. There is no precedent for that. It's standard TV safe--nothing truly terrible happens to people we love, except Sister Evangelina's death, and even that was done in the most beautiful and least horrible way possible--when it comes to that sort of thing, so I should move on.)

So, not my favorite ep. But I enjoyed the first three, and hopefully this was just awkward transition ep to what will be a solid back half of the series. And in the meantime the Tumblr fangirls keep (unironically!!! oh, Tumblr...) reblogging pictures of Shelagh's terrible fake plastic belly, and I want to know how the same production people who made baby Susan Mullocks also came up with that prosthetic belly. [more eyeroll emoji]

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments. Comment here or there.

call the midwife, galentine's day

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