hi there, mid-February

Feb 15, 2014 14:18

So 2014. Not such a great year so far. Work has been insane, and I've been having a bunch of health problems that have exacerbated the work craziness and probably also been exacerbated by it. But the two big, stressful work deadlines are in the past, and I've got a medical test on Wednesday that promises some answers (*fingers crossed*), so I'm hopeful that things will be headed in a more positive direction on all fronts soon.

Also, just, winter. Even short, half-assed, Southern winter (which, it turns out, has had more teeth than usual this year) is just Not. My. Thing. Still having SAD problems, even down here. Still looking out my window at the snow and the gloom and wanting to curl up in a hole until spring. Which, fortunately, should be arriving in about one month and not three. How I ever survived Canada is an ongoing marvel.


But on to better news! Like
galentinesday!!! Stories are posted and still anonymous. I've done a first sweep through the fandoms I know well and need to do a second run through the stories for fandoms like Star Trek and Harry Potter that I know but don't usually read fic for. And then there are also a number of stories for fandoms I don't know at all.

I made out like a bandit, because someone wrote me awesome TSCC fic!!!! Teach Your Children about Savannah Weaver and her moms (plus cameos by Cameron, James, and Jesse). But Savannah and Catherine and Sarah!!! So perfect!!! Thank you, Galentine's Writer! (You know who you are, and I think I know who you are, too, because this has been the least secret anonymous fic exchange ever, but we'll keep up the pretense, shall we?!)

Others that I loved on first read through:

Reparations, which is Maggie and Sophie from Leverage, and it's all about art and identity and ways of seeing, and it's really lovely.

Life on Mars, for Scott and Bailey, which is a spot-on rendering of what it says on the tin: five conversations Gill Murray may have had at the pub in the middle of the afternoon.

I believe author reveals are scheduled for next Thursday. Not a lot of mysteries (especially because they posted the beta names, which...argh!!!! did not realize that would happen), but there is one that's driving me crazy, so at least there's that. :)


Meanwhile, The Americans. Has anyone else watched this???? Amazon Prime recommended it to me yesterday, and I'm already halfway through season 1, because OMG!!! To be sure, I think at least 75% of what I love about it is the way it pushes all my Jack Bristow and Irina Derevko buttons, and the crossover fic pretty much writes itself.

But beyond the obvious plot similarities (The Americans, if you don't know, is about undercover Russian spies living in the DC suburbs in 1981, and the timeline is such that the protagonists and Irina Derevko were all totally in KGB spy training together in the 60s), this show is also pushing a lot of the thematic and emotional buttons I always loved about Jack and Irina: duplicity and mistrust, accidentally falling in love with the wrong people, the family vs. duty conflict, and probably the biggest button of all, people who are so good at working together, and then the rest of life and their relationship with each other is woven all through what is always primarily a working relationship. Because Philip and Elizabeth have always known the truth about each other and have always been on the same side, there's more peace and less betrayal than with Jack and Irina. But still. Mistrust and duplicity. Possibility of betrayal. The next best thing to the Jack and Irina show.

I feel like this is something I could actually fall for. Of course, I'm also sick and exhausted this weekend, so we'll see whether my judgment has staying power beyond this, but still. Let's make a fandom?

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments. Comment here or there.

fic rec, the americans

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