that fannish meme

Apr 14, 2012 20:52

I'm glad this decided to go around, because I've really been missing fannish things. Some of this is my own busy-ness, and some of it is simply that I haven't felt particularly fannish about anything in a while, but I miss having that enthusiasm. It's also been long enough since I had a fandom I was really engaged in that I'm starting to fear that it might not happen again. I hope not--I love fandom!--but I suppose we'll have to see.

In the meantime, this is the meme: Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. Then update your journal and answer the following questions:

chaila gave me TSCC, Farscape, and Alias


What got you into this fandom in the first place?

You know, I can't really remember. I think it was just in the air; I certainly remember that a number of people on my flist were anticipating it. And I believe I enjoyed it from the beginning, but it wasn't until "The Demon Hand" that I really found myself hooked. After that, I was IN LOVE.

Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

What does it mean to be "in" this fandom? :) The show, tragically, has ended. I've written a few snippets of fic, have more, somewhere on the back burner, that I would like to write, but I've been saying that for two years, so we'll see. I will love Sarah Connor and James Ellison until the end of time, I'm pretty sure.

Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?

"The Demon Hand," definitely (I once wrote a long piece of meta about it's my favorite). I also love "What He Beheld," "Mr. Ferguson is Ill Today," and the final arc of season 2 like a burning. You will perhaps notice a James Ellison-oriented theme here. :)

Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

I've written a few fics--really more like ficlets. I'd love to do more, but for some reason I've not yet felt adequate to my vision of a post-series fic, and I think this is causing more writer's block than I would prefer. There's also that fic about Ellison and theology that I never wrote.

Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

For sure! Especially if they love Sarah and James! (The can love other people, too, I guess, but James Ellison needs more love!)


What got you into this fandom in the first place?

Oh, this show! I'd heard about it a little bit, but it didn't really come onto my radar screen until Ben Browder and Claudia Black were cast on SG-1. That made me actually look up this Farscape show, and I saw that it was done by the Jim Henson company, and I guess I'm the opposite of the people who get turned off by the space muppets, because that was absolutely the thing that made me say, "oh, cool!" My local video store had season 1 on DVD, so I rented it, and OH MY GOD, Y'ALL. I give the "season 1 is slow starting; bear with it, and feel free to skip these episodes" caveat to everyone, but I fell from the word go. I loved EVERYTHING. Well, maybe not "Back and Back and Back to the Future," but really, I loved most of those eps that you're supposed to skip in season 1. I fell hard and fast, and then it just got better. Mind-blowingly so. I've never loved another show like this, and I expect I never will.

It's interesting, I found Farscape right after I finished my PhD comps, and I was so tired and burned out, and I was considering dropping out of grad school (oh, how that would become a theme in subsequent years!), and this show was exactly what I needed to inhale and fall for in that state. And I've wondered if I would have fallen so hard in a different frame of mind. Yet just this week I was talking about how enduringly compelling The Odyssey is as a story, the way we're always telling and retelling it, the way that so many of our stories are so concerned with journeys and finding home. Farscape does this as well as any of them.

As for the fandom itself, I discovered things in the afterglow of the main heyday, but there were still a lot of active people about. This show had the most welcoming fandom ever, and I was duly puppy-piled, met some awesome people, read some amazing fic, wrote a few little bits of things myself, went to Dragon*Con where I discovered that Claudia Black's hair is magic. It was good times!

Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

This will always be my One True Show, but I think I've already moved on from the fandom, more or less. I don't know why, but that year or two of engagement with the fannish stuff was really all I needed. I'll talk about this show until I'm blue in the face, if asked, and every once in a very long while I'll re-read a favorite fic, but mostly I'd prefer to dedicate FS time to rewatching the show itself.

Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?

All of season 3, really, though especially the "Into the Lion's Den" two-parter. Also "A Human Reaction," which is perfect, and "Family Ties," which has become the episode that I keep wanting to rewatch, probably because they're not really broken yet, but they're already a family. "Crackers Don't Matter" because it blew my mind, and "The Way We Weren't" because *inarticulate flailing* And all of season 3. And god, I need to do a rewatch!!!

Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

I did, once upon a time, in the writing fic sense.

Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

If you love epic stories about love and home and family, if you want actions to have consequences, if you like a good dose of cracktastic humor, if you're happy when your show fails big because it aimed big, and if you want to see a show really earn its emotion, you must give it a try. Also, there are muppets. They WILL make you cry. To help with the pimping, check out this awesome new Farscape Skip It/Watch It Guide.


What got you into this fandom in the first place?

"If you like Xhalax Sun, you'll love Irina Derevko." And I wish someone had told me that sooner! Also, runawaynun's handy guide to watching Alias if all you care about is Irina Derevko. (Later, of course, I watched most of the rest of it, too, and came to love Sydney dearly, but I think I needed the initial Irina--and Irina and Jack--bait.)

Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

I was never really in the fandom, so that's hard to answer. I found the show only a year and a half or so ago, long after it was cancelled and most people had stopped writing anything or caring. Late to the party, I nevertheless read all the Irina fic I could find, wrote the Irina character study I needed to get out of my system, and contemplated a vid about Sydney. It's marginally possible I might still make the vid--but I wouldn't bet on it--and I'll happily read any new Irina fic anyone wants to write.

Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?

Spy!family vacation to India!!!!! (aka, "The Passage," parts 1 and 2) In my perfect world, the entire show would have been like that. "A Dark Turn" is pretty fabulous, too.

Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

See above. :) I really was going to make that vid, until my computer died and wiped out all my clips (and I hated clipping!!!). I have not had the heart to try again, especially since it was probably too ambitious for a first vid, anyway.

Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

I'm always happy for people to gush about Irina with me! If you're interested, incidentally, I'd highly recommend just watching the first two seasons (possibly even stopping before the last five minutes of season 2) and then pretending the rest of it never existed. There's some good stuff in later seasons, but it doesn't really make up for all the WTF???

Crossposted from DW, where there are
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farscape, tscc, alias

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