*waves from beneath the piles of papers*

Dec 12, 2011 21:36

I have survived the teaching part of my first semester of full-time professoring. There's still the grading part and various odds and ends that people generally file under the category of "service" (or "the stuff that's part of the job that no one really remembers to tell you about, like going to meetings and doing paperwork and writing letters of reference for people who forgot to tell you they'd put your name down as a referee").

I'm running on fumes, but hey, one hurdle down.

Also, it sort of forgot to be winter for a while after that initial evil burst (a month ago, when I last posted, oops), and a lot of the snow melted, and now it's been just normal December cold (by my non-Prairie standards, which means only in the minus-single-digits C, mostly, rather than the minus-double-digits). I'll take it!

But mostly I'm posting because Once Upon a Time is kind of sneaking up on me with its vaguely awesome choices about female protagonists (multiple!) and the way they totally fridged one of the two attractive love-interest-type men last night in order to advance the plot of two of the women. Not that I needed him to die, necessarily, but I don't care a bit that he did and sort of adore that that's the choice they made.

Downsides to the show: in trying to walk that plotty/episodic line, I feel like it's not quite sure what it wants to be, plot-wise. Also, why did no one in the casting room ever think to say, "hey, there are absolutely no people of color in this show; possibly that's a problem"??? Because there are no people of color on this show. There are magical princesses and evil queens and people who are puppets and crickets who are people, but every last one is white. Seriously, show????

And in the part where I measure my mental health and coping abilities by my Jane Austen intake, I'm still on a massive Austen kick. I briefly improved to the point of re-reading Austen herself (Persuasion, which is never quite as good as I want it to be) rather than bad fic, but then I relapsed with more fic, as well as every film adaptation ever, including, finally, the Kiera Knightley Pride and Prejudice, which I've been avoiding since it came out. And I must say, I wasn't missing much.

So endeth the monthly(?) "still here; still uninteresting" post.

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments. Comment here or there.

austen therapy, once upon a time, teaching

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