vid rec

Jun 16, 2011 21:32

This one has been making the rounds, but in case you haven't seen it, get ye to
thingswithwings's journal at your earliest convenience to see this brilliant and scathing critique of manpain. Multi-fandom, NSFW, and there's only a download link--no streaming--but it's definitely worth the download. This is one of the most effectively done critique vids I've seen, I think.

AND, for those of us who like our vids with a good side of meta,
thingswithwings has already written it, in the form of vid notes that took on a life of their own and became an essay. Excellent, excellent stuff about manpain, the different forms it takes, and how utterly skeevy it is, especially when stripped of its narrative context.

Anyway, much love!


In other fannish news, I've been having a bit of X-Files nostalgia over the past few days, which is sort of fun. And oddly enough, I've been specifically nostalgic for Doggett and Reyes, who will always hold a special place in my heart because they were sort of my initiation to being a fannish participant rather than just a lurker. (Yes, my first fanfic was DRR; no, you can't read it!) I do not pretend that seasons 8 and 9 were not dreadful because they were--it turns out, too, that I apparently never noticed, ten years ago, how terrible Annabeth Gish's acting was, because that didn't even figure into my memory of the dreadful parts, but she was mostly cringeworthy--but I was fond of both of them, and especially Doggett, and the idea of writing these relatively unknown characters was much less intimidating than trying to bring something new to the table, at that stage of the game, for my beloved Mulder and Scully.

So I've been rewatching a few of the better season 9 episodes (which were still awful, it's true), and reading old fic on Gossamer, which is itself such a visual trip down memory lane, quite aside from the content. It still has my favorite feature of any archive, though: the ability to sort by episode. The shippy post-ep vignette is one of my greatest guilty fic pleasures, and not only does XF have these in spades, but you can find them all at once, at the click of a button! All 191 ATTHS post-eps for "The Unnatural," for instance! Or the 377 ATTHS post-eps to "All Things" (speaking of dreadful, yet much-beloved episodes...) Have I mentioned that I was not a particularly thinky or critical fangirl back in the day? :P

Anyway, it's a welcome distraction from real life, in which the government of Canada is out to get me, or something.

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments. Comment here or there.

x-files, vid rec

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