links and such

Dec 02, 2010 18:21

First official rejection of the 2010-11 job season today. Not a surprise--the job was a long shot at best--and really, it's hard to take it personally when you're informed that there were over 350 applicants (of whom I'd bet fully 300 were well-qualified for the job, and at least 100 would have been quite excellent, if hired). Anyway, thinking more and more about plans B, C, and D, but I'm also willing to see where the rest of the search takes me.

For your piece of random, disturbing news of the day: I live in a city with a relatively low violent crime rate (especially compared with any comparably-sized American city, and it's got lower per-capita crime than a lot of other Canadian cities, as well). And I am convinced that this is due, in large part, to the handgun restrictions, of which I am very much in favour. But someone who is determined to commit murder will, it seems, find a way to do it, and today a man was killed with a crossbow at a public library. Yikes!!!

In more life-affirming news, scientists have discovered a new kind of life form! Best part of the article? NASA's geobiologist Pamela Conrad thinks that the discovery is huge and "phenomenal," comparing it to the Star Trek episode in which the Enterprise crew finds Horta, a silicon-based alien life form that can't be detected with tricorders because it wasn't carbon-based. HEE!!!!

And fannishly, have a couple of recs:

First, a fic about women who like each other! Connection by lauriestein is Kate Harper and CJ Cregg, running the country and liking each other while doing so, during the later seasons of The West Wing. I admit I never did watch those seasons very carefully, but I still enjoyed this a great deal (and really, Kate and CJ are the main reasons I sometimes think of going back and catching the bits I missed, uneven seasons and all).

And instead of NaNoWriMo, beccatoria did NaViMaMo (National Vid Making Month), with an impressive number of really fantastic vidlets from a number of fandoms. The masterlist is here, and I strongly encourage you to check it out if you haven't yet!

Finally, I've been thinking of watching Fringe. The part of me that has sort of instinctively recoiled from my initial "poor man's X-Files with the guy from Dawson's Creek" reaction has never quite been won over by people telling me how awesome Olivia is, even though I'm sure she's really awesome. But it does seem like EVERYONE is talking about it these days, so I'm wondering if peer pressure + awesome Olivia is enough to make me watch. I know it's uneven. Is it worth it? I just miss having a nice, thinky show that we're all watching, and this seems to be the best possibility right now. Thoughts?

Crossposted from DW, where there are
comments. Comment here or there.

i need a job!, fic rec, linkspam, vid rec

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