this and that

Aug 01, 2010 11:27

1. Apparently I live under a rock, because I'm still not entirely sure what Inception is. Judging from my Facebook list (and to a certain extent my flist here), it's a movie that EVERYONE IN THE WORLD has seen. Except me. Because I've not even heard of it outside of people talking about it, and I have no idea what it's about or who is in it or whether I should want to see it for any reason other than a general desire to know what's going on in the world. Help?

2. Evidence that I'm slowly climbing out from under the rock in other ways: I got a new cell phone! For the first time in five years (and the five-year-old one was old technology at the time). So now I have a phone with a CAMERA! And a QWERTY KEYBOARD! I figure I'm now only 2-3 years behind the times. :)

3. Moving on Tuesday, omg!!! (Though just a few blocks away.) And so not packed yet. I'm doing some hardcore purging of possessions, though. And sorting through all my old files, shredding and recycling. I have concluded that I was really profligate with paper from about 2002-06 and have been considerably more careful since then. I now have a giant stack of scrap paper that will serve my not-so-important printing needs for quite some time, but in order to use it that way I will, of course, still have to move it. Back when I was in college, my father used to complain that I had too much stuff, and when he was that age he moved to college with all of his worldly possessions in one suitcase and one box. I have no idea whether that was actually true, but the story has made me guilt-ridden ever since. It bothers me immensely, for instance, that I can no longer move in, say, a minivan, and have to rent a truck instead. And this even though I own far fewer things than most 30-year-old North Americans, I'm sure.

4. This is a few days old, but I really loved this xkcd from earlier this week. So. True. Something else that one can never find on university websites: their employment listings.

5. The Chronicles of Narnia may well be my favorite books, period. They certainly were throughout a large part of my life, and I still love them A LOT, despite their various faults. I've never felt particularly fannish about them, though, in the sense of wanting to read fic and such. Perhaps that's because most of the Narnia fic I've tried to read has not been to my taste. cofax7, however, is making a foray into Narnia fic, and so far it's exactly to my taste: what the Pevensies might have experienced at the end of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, with the perfect tone of reality in a fantastical world. Carpetbaggers 'verse.

6. TV-wise, I'm plugging away at Leverage--now about 1/3 of the way into season 2, which I'm so far enjoying even more than season 1 (because Sophie characterization!!! love!). I'm feeling fairly un-fannish about it: no desire to read fic or meta or to do much other than enjoy the shiny while it's on my television. I think I would enjoy reading really well-done fic about Sophie (plus Nate and/or plus team in general), but my perusals seem to suggest that if this exists at all, it's hiding quite effectively. I am thoroughly enjoying all of the characters, but Sophie is definitely the center of my Leverage world, and I remain boggled that fandom seems to neglect her so.

My other favorite character is Hardison, though I was a little shocked when I looked Aldis Hodge up on imdb and learned that he is only TWENTY-THREE YEARS OLD!!! I'm not sure this affects my ongoing crush in any substantial way, but I was still pretty surprised. (Also, he was Voodoo Tatum on Friday Night Lights! I'd completely failed to make that connection.)

leverage, fic rec, narnia

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