Fic: Five Things for TSCC and Lie to Me

May 24, 2010 20:29

The other day I asked for drabble and five things prompts. Here are the first two (though I should try not to get quite so carried away with the others or I'll never finish...):

For chaila43: Five Times James Ellison Didn't Feel Like a Father

assume spoilers for the whole series )

lie to me, tscc, fic, tscc fic, lie to me fic

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Comments 29

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pellucid May 25 2010, 02:15:21 UTC
Thank you! I love him SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!


gabolange May 25 2010, 01:03:17 UTC
I love these for a couple of reasons. First, because I don't know these characters, but you make me want to know them: these are pictures of complete people, and they're lovely.

But I also love for pro-choice Christianity, for John Wall and how it's impossible to be a fairweather Kentucky fan, for baking with absolutely no discussion of pie crust, and most especially for Chicago graduations in the cold and wet. It all makes me smile so much and miss you even more!


pellucid May 25 2010, 02:18:26 UTC
*twirls you*

Thank you, dearest! I'm rather tickled that you enjoyed these, and particularly that you enjoyed those various bits. It was nice to be able to put some of the entire life histories I've constructed for the Lightman-Landau-Foster family to use! (This is the timeline on post-it notes that I think I've mentioned to you. I have one post-it with key life dates for Cal, Zoe, Gillian, and Emily and another one with key basketball championships. Yes, yes, I know...)

And I miss you, too, always!


crumpled_up May 25 2010, 06:49:04 UTC
Love the Lie to Me ones. I'm a fan of both Zoe and Gillian too. I wasn't a fan of Zoe at first, but when I saw more of her, I couldn't help but respect her. They're both tough women and man, this must've been hard to write five conversations without mentioning Cal. I especially love the last one where they clear the air. And graduation, oh man, it was warm for me I think. But it was indoors so it didn't matter. I just remember lots of people and lights and a funny speaker then crossing the platform for my two seconds of fame. :P


pellucid May 25 2010, 14:20:03 UTC
Thank you!

I think one of the things that this show has done particularly well is making Zoe a fully fleshed-out character in what little screen time we've had of her. I'm sure much of that credit goes to Jennifer Beals, which was an excellent piece of casting. But yes, she's tough and prickly and interesting and compelling. It's easy to see why she and Gillian would probably never be friends, no matter what context they'd met in, yet it's also easy to see how Cal loves both of them, I think. Anyway, it's always good to find someone else who likes them both--the Zoe-bashing that goes on in this fandom does annoy me, I admit.

And oh look, I have that icon, too! ;)


beccatoria May 25 2010, 07:56:05 UTC
*flails* ELLISON. Oh lord, I do love that. There are many different ways in which the show tackles Ellison's relationship to hypothetical fatherhood, but I love how here you spin it out not only across his life, but also expansively so that it is a topic that seems as deep and complex as the show's relationship with motherhood, and with Sarah's. <3


pellucid May 25 2010, 14:21:37 UTC
Thank you, my dear! I suspect you're giving me a bit more credit here than I deserve, but I am so glad you liked these! And kudos to Chaila for the prompt, because that was inspired. :D


etoilefilante May 25 2010, 10:06:26 UTC
I love your take on Gillian and Zoe. This works so well as a piece, I enjoyed reading it. :)


pellucid May 25 2010, 14:22:14 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it. :)


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