tell me sweet lies, flist

Mar 12, 2010 16:59

So. Worst week in a very long time, stress levels off the charts, so much anger and frustration that I really just need to go hit something very hard. Repeatedly.

Usually I'm better about the shameless begging, but if anyone were inclined to point me to some happy-making things, I'd be eternally grateful. Fic, picspams, vids, things found on the interwebs, etc. If there are women kicking ass, all the better. You know what I like, after all.

And I know almost no one on my flist watches Lie to Me, so this is probably a moot request, but if Gillian and Zoe passing the Bechdel Test were involved in this somehow, I would be ridiculously happy. IJS. (Erm, no Zoe-bashing, since unfortunately that seems to need to be said, though hopefully not to anyone around here...)

Okay, crawling back into my hole now.
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