why so cracktastically addictive, csi?

Nov 11, 2009 09:53

So last night I had this somewhat elaborate dream in which CSI: NY was ending, and Mac and Stella finally got together in the last episode. There was plot and such, and of course I don't remember any of that now. But the part that made me wake up laughing was when dream!me turned off the TV and went immediately to make an elaborate LJ post about the requiting of cop partner UST. (Incidentally, I would be in favor of requiting Mac and Stella at the end of the show and not necessarily beforehand.)

Mostly I was amused by the extent to which my subconscious associates watching television with posting about it on LJ.

I was slightly less amused by the fact that now I'm dreaming about CSI: NY. I care so little! Yet I keep watching. So much so, in fact, that I've been suckered into this week's three-part crossover (from Miami! to New York! to Las Vegas!) and yesterday managed, for the first time ever, to sit through an entire episode of CSI: Miami. I don't expect ever to do that again. Gah! How has that show been on the air for eight seasons?!?!? Does anyone really take David Caruso seriously?!?!? How does he take himself seriously?!?!? Laurence Fishburne's character from Vegas was on the episode. He is an MD, and his name is Ray, but I've seen enough of Vegas in the past couple of seasons to know that people call him "Ray" or occasionally "Dr. Langston." Horatio Caine, however, insists on calling him "Dr. Ray". Repeatedly. With a straight face. As though he's Dr. Phil. Laurence Effing Fishburne. I'm pretty sure he could kick David Caruso's ass using only his brain and a well-directed stare.

Tonight it's New York, and Thursday Vegas. If it's the dissertation that's causing my brain to leak out my ears these days, the CSI franchise might be culpable of facilitating the process.


Let me ask a computer-related question. My beloved Vita (Toshiba laptop) is showing her age (4 1/2) a bit: running more slowly, taking a while to come out of hibernation and especially to boot up, etc. I've sort of toyed with the idea of adding RAM (though I'm not sure how much she has to start with or how easy it would be to add more) to see if that helps.

But what's really driving me crazy is the fickleness of her internet connectivity. I was having all kinds of wireless problems (it would just cut out, randomly, and seemed especially to be vulnerable to my roommate's computer's connection), so as a result I bought a long ethernet cable and ran it halfway through the house so I could plug Vita in directly. For a while, this worked like a charm. Lately, however, the ethernet, too, has been fussy, cutting in and out, sometimes refusing to work at all. In these cases I can almost always connect with the wireless (and the roommates can also connect), so I know the problem is not with the modem or the router but with the actual ethernet connection. It went out last night, and it's still out this morning, and I've restarted, unplugged, reconnected, etc. everything I can think of. I'm on the wireless just fine at the moment, but I have no reason to believe it will be anything other than finicky in the long run, so I'd rather get the ethernet working again if I can.

Suggestions? Is this likely a problem with the computer? The cable? The router (it's plugged in to the wireless router rather than directly into the modem)?


Also, as a PSA, work is going to be kicking my ass even more than usual, between now and about March. I don't know that I'm going to disappear or anything--the internet provides a nice break--but I do expect to be cutting back my time online, which means I may be slower to reply to comments, may not be reading my flist as regularly, etc. I don't expect anyone will mind this or even notice much, but if you happen to post something you really want me to see, do drop me a line to point it out, because I can't guarantee I'll see it otherwise. *hugs to all*

lj is my tech support, csi: ny

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