can someone explain what the fuss is about Glee?

Oct 21, 2009 09:03

Some weeks ago, I caught about five minutes of the Glee premiere before turning it off when the choir director's wife (I don't know anyone's names) made me want to attack her with a sharp, pointy object. Ah well, I figured, I didn't need another show anyway. But then all manner of my acquaintances, fannish and otherwise, have exploded with love for ( Read more... )


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asta77 October 21 2009, 13:56:06 UTC
And...I still really don't get what all the fuss is about! Is there a single likable character on the show? The women were overwhelmingly manipulative, obnoxious, and bitchy; the men were overwhelmingly good-hearted but manipulated, spineless, and dumb. Even apart from the glaringly problematic sexism, the characters all seemed remarkably one-note.

Did you read my venting from several weeks ago? ;-) Seriously, you and I are on the same page. And I'd add TERRI MUST DIE. She's the wife from hell. Having said all that, I don't hate the show. I thought the pilot was awesome and the ep (the fourth I believe) guest starring Kristin Chenowith was not at all rage inducing and highly enjoyable. It also helped that Terri was relegated to one brief scene to set up a plot point. :) Right now I'm opting to DVR the show so I can FF through all the parts I don't like (such as the horrible duel pregnancy storylines).

I watched The Plan last night. I hope to get my thoughts written up later today, but, to sum up, it was OK. I loved all the stuff with the Sixes and Simon was actually given an interesting backstory. But rather than playing like a film, it seemed a mish-mosh of scenes loosely (very loosely in some instances) tied together and some answers to lingering questions made little to no sense. Plus Eddie seems to have some major issues in regards to sex and nudity.

I am totally perplexed by all the wank regarding Sam and Kara. All of Kara and Sam's scenes were recycled. There was absolutely nothing new regarding the two of them together and while we perhaps got a bit more of Sam expressing his love for Kara, we already knew how much he loved her. It was always a question of how Kara felt about him and that wasn't explored at all. If the Sam/Kara shippers want to squee about the inclusion of the relationship in the film, they are entitled to, but I don't see why the ire of the Lee/Kara shippers should be raised. The movie is about the Cylons. Sam was a Cylon. he loved Kara and had a relationship with her. It makes sense it was included, but I didn't see any agenda.

Sorry, didn't mean to go off on a rant. I'll probably repost on my own LJ. I just like discussing the topic with people like myself who didn't ship either couple. ;)


pellucid October 21 2009, 17:42:47 UTC
I haven't actually been reading people's Glee posts, I admit--I suppose if I had been I'd have realized that people were quite as gleeful about it as I thought they were! I think if I do much in the future with the show, it will be mostly relegated to catching the musical numbers on youtube... ;)

I suspect that if I ever manage to care enough to watch The Plan I'll like it well enough. All the wank is a little perplexing to me, though--not that people aren't free to dislike it, but I'm confused by the way people seem to be surprised if they don't like it. I mean, we all knew it was a Cylon backstory movie, right? So it seems fairly clear that if you're on Team Cylon it's great, and if you're not, it's probably not your thing, and...I'm not sure why people are getting quite so bent out of shape. But I, like you, am mostly in the neutral camp, in that this isn't a story about the characters I care most about. Plus I've got an extra dose of BSG apathy on all fronts. Ah well!


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