I imagine at some point my recs of Chaila's vids lose credibility, because I go all aflail at everything she does, and the whole "Chaila made a vid; now Pellucid recs it" thing has perhaps attained a certain redundancy. Does it help if I promise that I REALLY REALLY mean it every time?! And even more so this time, because this one is so stunning and poignant and perfect.
Over the Rainbow, TSCC, a Sarah-centric vid to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," and yes, that is exactly as perfect as you know it has to be. Chaila takes all the Wizard of Oz imagery and allusions from the show and runs with it, vidding both with and against the lyrics and creating this portrait of Sarah that is dead-on in its depressing and achey inevitability.
I miss Sarah Connor so damn much, y'all!!! I really need to find time to rewatch, and to write, because there is so much more I want to think and say about these characters and this story, but right now I have neither the time nor the brainpower to devote to it.
Instead, I continue to devote what little television time I have to things that don't require brainpower, and all I have to say about that is simply that Bones and Castle, in particular, continue to absolutely delight me. And although they're similar shows in many ways, I find I'm delighted by different things in each. With Bones it's all about the formula and the chemistry. But with Castle it's more complicated, I think. I like the formula, and I like the chemistry, but mostly I love the bad jokes and the particularly witty dialogue and the little touches like Castle's attention to grammar and the fact that Kate's advance reader's copy of Heat Wave really was the proof copy format--large and in paper covers--rather than the cloth-bound format that will hit the shelves on the actual publication day. A silly cop show that pays attention to bookish things! Be still, my heart!
In other news, work is still kicking my ass. I suppose I should at least be grateful for the consistency. *takes deep breath and dives back in*