
Sep 26, 2009 11:39

chaila43, who will never again be believed if she tries to protest that fic is not her métier, has written Sarah/Ellison fic for MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! And it is spot-on Ellison characterization, and completely lovely, and all about faith and belief (as all good fics about Ellison should be, I think), and just...oh show!!! The Evidence of Things Not Seen, set post-finale.


Many thanks for the various birthday wishes! Yesterday was quite work-filled, but there are plans for a bit of celebration tonight, which should be lovely.

Perhaps, though, because I've spent the last two evenings out with friends and colleagues older than I am, I still feel ridiculously and self-consciously young. When I was a child, I thought it was the result of the late-September birthday: the cut-off date for starting school was October 1, so I was always the youngest in my class, and uncomfortably aware of that in the childhood world where age counts as status. And that carried through to the late-adolescent world when I was the last of my peers to turn 16, 18, 21. And even now, even though many of my close friends are younger, and even though age matters so much less now than it did back then, even though surely 29 counts as respectably adult, I still find myself self-conscious about my age. I don't understand my peers who are anxious about turning 30. Maybe I'll feel differently next year when it's me, but I suspect it will be something of a relief. Or perhaps it will make no difference at all, and my relationship to age is more of a mental state of being that will never have any real correlation to my actual age.

fic rec

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