possibly I'm overthinking this

Aug 01, 2009 19:56

Recently I decided that as something of a fic writing experiment, I should break out of my habitual mold and try to write a sort of fic I usually do not write: fluffy ship fic. The idea was spurred primarily by running into a couple of pairings that I wanted to read fic about but whose fandoms had a dearth of the sort of thing I wanted to read. If ( Read more... )

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pellucid August 2 2009, 14:58:27 UTC
As I probably should have made clearer in the post itself, I'm really only talking about a particular subset of shippy fic here. I have angsty cop partner buttons, and I tend to ship couples in a Mulder/Scully mold. I'm not all that interested in other kinds of pairings, so I actually like more sameness in my pairings (and accompanying fic) than most people would tend to, I think. I didn't properly ship anyone on BSG because there was no potential pairing there that really pushed the right buttons, for instance. So I can't comment, really, any of the shippy fic in that fandom, which probably isn't interchangeable. But what I, personally, am looking for in shippy fic is a high degree of repetitiveness--I like replaying my favorite tropes for the pairings for which they apply. I'm not so interested in pairings where they don't apply.

As for Bruce and Amy, probably yes, I will still write something about them, but it will sort of depend on how this first experiment goes. I may have a need to write something gritty and angsty after this! But I really do want to write them eventually.


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