Ficlet: "A Small Crime" (TSCC, Ellison/Sarah)

Jan 28, 2009 12:54

I really am working on a proper fic about James Ellison, complete with theology and stuff. But the porn battle is a crazy enabler, so instead I've written more Sarah/Ellison porn. Something of a follow-up to this. Ficlet here at the Porn Battle, and below for archival purposes ( Read more... )

tscc, fic, tscc fic

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pellucid January 29 2009, 01:50:47 UTC

I do agree with you about Derek--the Derek and Jesse plotline has been doing very little for me. Jesse is interesting in principle, and I like Stephanie Jacobsen fine, but the disconnect between Team Connor and Derek and Jesse off doing this other thing is irritating. More Derek + Connors, yes.

Or perhaps better yet, more Ellison + Connors, and Derek can go off and do his own thing.

I'm completely unspoiled for the rest of the season (and hope to remain that way until I'm watching things unfold), but I have a strong suspicion that either Ellison or Derek won't survive the season. They're juggling too many narrative balls, and it seems like one or the other of their storylines needs to end or become subsumed into Team Connor. I like both of the characters a lot, so I don't like to think of either of them becoming casualties to over-ambitious writing, but I do hope that if one of them has to go, it's Derek. *clings to Ellison*

But who knows. I can't say they've been moving storylines forward in the ways I'd expected them to of late, so I feel like I don't have a terribly good read on what might be forthcoming.


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