Ficlet: "If You Want to Live" (TSCC, Ellison/Sarah)

Jan 25, 2009 22:55

I have committed TSCC fic and my first porn in a year and a half, all in one blow! Here at the Porn Battle, or below (for archiving purposes).

Title: If You Want to Live
Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairing: James Ellison/Sarah Connor
Rating: hard R
Prompt: Ellison/Sarah, savior
Notes: unbetaed commentfic :)

You've ruined my life )

tscc, fic, tscc fic

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Comments 8

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pellucid January 26 2009, 18:17:25 UTC
This was not the way I'd planned to dip my toe into this fandom, but someone submitted porn battle prompts for them, and, well, there went my plan for carefully-considered, character-based Ellison fic. ;) Not that I don't still plan to write that, but right now I'm feeling quite distracted by the frivolous and pretty. I'm already contemplating more...



wendelah1 January 29 2009, 04:37:40 UTC
Wow. This is so wrong it's right.


pellucid January 29 2009, 16:26:09 UTC
Hee! Thank you.


splash_the_cat January 29 2009, 05:01:57 UTC


pellucid January 29 2009, 16:26:42 UTC
Thank you! And I don't think I realized you watched this show!


splash_the_cat January 29 2009, 16:32:17 UTC
I do! I adore it (I've always been a big fan of the Terminator movies - the first two - as Sarah's story, not John's). I've just not been very publicly fannish about it or anything because of work my will to live last term.


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pellucid January 29 2009, 16:28:37 UTC
Hee! Thank you, my dear! Once upon a time I wrote this sort of thing more frequently. I don't think it will ever become a regular habit again (but never say never?), but it was kind of fun to break out the old pr0n-writing muscles again. ;)


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pellucid June 8 2009, 03:20:06 UTC
Aw, I'm glad you liked it!

And yes, I'm trying not to be too tempted by the Sarah/Ellison prompts at the porn battle. Given that I have a conference paper and a BSG remix fic that I really need to write before I'm even allowed to think about comment porn... ;)


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