PSA: Porn Battle!

Jan 25, 2009 17:50

As seen here, there, and everywhere, Porn Battle VII is live!

And I'm inordinately excited about this. I haven't written any porn in ages and don't tend to read a huge amount of it (perhaps mostly because of the kinds of fannish things I'm most interested in at the moment), yet looking through that prompt list there's quite a lot that's making me point and go "oh! that!" So perhaps I'll have to flex the porn-writing muscles again. There are James Ellison/Sarah Connor prompts!!!!!!!! *happy dance* And also Cameron Mitchell/Janet Fraiser, which is my secret favorite SG-1 non-pairing. And speaking of secret favorite non-pairings, there are even prompts for Elizabeth Lochley/Michael Garibaldi, which is so wrong that it's right, especially if you can pretend that Tracey Scoggins can act her way out of a paper bag. Plus lots of pairings that are my not-so-secret favorites and not-so-favorites, and others that I hadn't really thought of before (somebody prevent me from writing Sisko/Jadzia Dax, please? is there a line there that shouldn't be crossed? no Kira/Jadzia, though! I would totally write Kira/Jadzia).

Anyway, in reality I probably won't write very much because as ever, it's a busy week, and it's entirely possible that I will at any minute return to my previous not-interested-in-writing-porn state. But it's there, and it will be fun, and you should all go write something!


This also reminds me that beanpot and I had discussed opening up the galpalficathon prompt list for a Porn Battle-like comment ficathon in the new year (ie, now). There were so many great prompts that were unwritten; it seemed like a shame to let them go to waste. Would this be something people would be interested in? Obviously we'd wait at least until after the Porn Battle is over, but are there any other potential conflicts of interest coming up in the next month or two?

[ETA: Perhaps I should clarify: I don't mean using the galpalficathon prompts to write porn. I mean using them to write shorter commentficlets about female friendships.]


May I air a grievance/pet peeve? When writing indicating the presence of spoilers, is it so very difficult to specify what specifically the spoilers are for??? (This is not actually something I've had a problem with on the flist; it's mostly something I see in comms.) "Spoilers for BSG season 4" could mean any number of things, after all, and it could include episodes I've seen and episodes I haven't! Spoiler cuts are a good thing, and we're all grateful for them, but it's not enough just to say "'ware spoilers!"


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