More Joy!

Jan 15, 2009 10:12

OMG, y'all! It is More Joy Day!!!!!!

This has snuck up on me! I remember seeing a reminder last week and thinking, "oh, that's coming up, yes," and now it is today, and I have no joy planned!!!! I'm sure I will think of something.

In fact, for starters, I will share with the BSG fen among you something that has brought me joy in the past couple of days. Mo Ryan of the Chicago Tribune has been rewatching BSG. That's the link to her (long!) season 2 rewatch thoughts, and at the beginning of that post you'll also find links to the mini/season 1 thoughts. Mo Ryan and I don't seem to be watching precisely the same show (for instance, she seems fond enough of Laura Roslin but doesn't seem to find her the Greatest Character Ever--WTF???), but she's a smart viewer with thorough reviews, which I enjoyed reading very much. It was a pretty good substitute for the rewatching I don't have time to do right now.

Though I did rewatch the mini this week and have final Cylon speculation. All along, my final Cylon theory has been that it needs to be someone who is important enough to the other characters that it's a surprise to them. It has to be someone more important than Tigh and Tyrol. It doesn't matter if it surprises the viewers. In fact, an attempt to surprise the viewers--who have thoroughly analyzed every possibility at this point--would only result in some lame out of left field attempt. So it's got to be someone major. I think Kara and Baltar are red herrings, so that leaves Roslin and Adamas, Sr. and Jr. And I don't think it'll be Lee, and rewatching the miniseries I'm even more convinced that it will be Laura or Bill. And probably Bill. Which sort of makes me want to kick things, but it's that first damned speech where he goes off-script. And the way he figured out Leoben was a Cylon (though perhaps this is explained by the Razor retconning). And the way he originates the Earth journey.

I don't think RDM, et. al. had any frakking idea that there would be a "final Cylon" with whatever role this person is going to have back when they were writing the miniseries and the early seasons. But I do think they're astute readers/viewers of their own text, and going back to the beginning and looking for potential final Cylons that would make organic sense with the show, those are the things that jump out at me. I have all kinds of other reasons why I think it could be/should be Laura, as well, but increasingly I doubt it's going to swing that way.

And as much as I don't like the idea of Bill Adama, Cylon, I'd be a lot happier with that idea than someone like Gaeta or Dee. I also trust this show (mostly) to sell me on ideas that I'd have sworn I didn't want to see. Laura Roslin doesn't say "I love you," I maintained quite adamantly for a long time, yet by the time she did, I was pretty okay with it. So who knows.

Please, please, please don't even so much as hint about the identity of the final Cylon if you know! I don't want to know whether or not I'm right until I see it play out on my screen on Saturday!!!


In other news, it is COLD, OMG! And I finally got to go climbing again yesterday for the first time in at least a month! Climbing!!!!!! I'm so out of shape!

Go bring people joy, flist!!!

ETA: This brought me joy as well. Or if not joy, per se, at least a lot of laughter. The joy comes, perhaps, from the knowledge that I can count on my fingers the days he will continue to be president. From Slate, the Top 25 Bushisms: The President's Accidental Wit and Wisdom.

bsg, more joy day!

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