Sarah Connor, etc.

Dec 16, 2008 14:45

Apparently it's Quote Leo McGarry Day. I'm not sure why today, but I'm definitely in favor of such an occasion. My very favorite Leo quote, which came to mean even more to me during this past election season:

Because I'm tired of it, year after year after year after year, having to choose between the lesser of who cares, of trying to get myself excited about a candidate who can speak in complete sentences, of setting the bar so low I can hardly look at it. They say a good man can't get elected president. I don't believe that. Do you?

Oh, Leo!!!


On the BSG webisode 2, I have only this to say: Oh Tigh, you old softie, you!!!


As for the TSCC fall finale, I'm certainly glad that wasn't the end! Presumably if they had been forced to end the series here, we would have gotten something different from that, though.

Ellison + John Henry = WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time I think I could not possibly love Ellison more, I DO! Those scenes were so fabulous. One of my favorite aspects of Ellison's character is the way that he's been quite honestly and respectfully portrayed as a person of faith. His beliefs and principles guide his life, and he tries to assimilate the new information he's learned into this vision of the world. I like the way we see him coming back to his faith from time to time as a touchstone, and we see him struggling with doubt but not having some massive crisis of faith. Not yet, anyway; perhaps that will come, but I really like the line it's taking right now.

Is Riley dead? That didn't seem like enough blood for her to be dead, yet John and Cameron were certainly acting like she was long gone--no pulse-checking, no attempts to save her. In any event, I really didn't see that coming! I figured we were looking at a whole storyline where Cameron recognizes the tattoo as being from the future somehow, and John finds out Riley's from the future, and they all figure out what Jesse's up to, leading to some kind of Jesse versus Sarah confrontation with Derek in the middle or something. We may still get a lot of that, but I figured Riley would be the catalyst. But evidently not?

Alan/Eileen says to Sarah, "I'm a man who lives as a woman, and you're a woman who lives as a..." and then Sarah pulls her gun and cuts her off. Lives as a machine? Is that the way we're supposed to imagine the sentence finishing? Alan/Eileen is appalled by Sarah's indifference to being nearly killed; Sarah's machine-like in that way, perhaps. But how human does Sarah remain compared with Jesse here, for whom Riley is merely a tool to do a job? Sarah's moment of compassion gets her shot--could well get her killed, except I think we can be fairly confident that she won't die. Jesse's lack of compassion leads to Riley's death. John Henry asks Ellison if he is God's child. Ellison struggles with making the machine more human while the humans become more machine-like in order to fight them. And now Sarah has killed someone.

All that said, I enjoyed the episode but was nevertheless left in a state of WTF at the end with the UFO/three dot thingie. I'm glad that Sarah's three dot obsession seems to be vindicated as an actual important plot point, but flying robots (presumably?) were not where I expected that to be going! Um...??? Given that we already have so many disconnected parts of the plot being juggled at the moment, it seems odd to bring in yet something else that appears at this point to be disconnected. It seems to me that Sarah needs, at some point reasonably soon, to find out about Catherine Weaver and her AI and to find out about Jesse. This is where the arc of the show seems to have been headed. Maybe this new thing with the flying robots will connect to one or both of these threads in some way, but right now it feels utterly strange and separate. I do worry that if the show gets canceled at the end of the season we're going to be left with too many loose threads.

tscc, bsg, the west wing

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