fic meme :)

Oct 15, 2008 18:36

So R. saw Mark McKinney--Richard from Slings and Arrows, among other things--on our block the other day. And he was sitting on a porch talking on the phone, which is a rather familiar kind of thing to be doing, we decided. Not like seeing someone just walking down the street. Perhaps Mark McKinney is my neighbour?!?!? I will keep my eyes peeled!


And because everyone else is doing it, and there's nothing like peer pressure to erase those inhibitions:

Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then admonish your readership to do the same so you can find new stories to read and pimp.

1. "Eschatos" (BSG): Writing this fic was one of the most interesting and ultimately fun experiences I've had in fandom. It was the middle of a long hiatus, I sort of didn't care about BSG, and then runawaynun made a comment that got me thinking about Laura Roslin. I started playing with some ideas, had something that I couldn't manage to articulate in the back of my mind, and over the course of a couple of months, a number of total rewrites, and a vast amount of patience on gabolange's part, I figured out what I wanted to say, and in the process also figured out a lot of what I thought about the show itself. And although this was finished before I knew a thing about season 4, there was quite a bit that I called!

2. "The Signs that the Signmakers Made" (BSG): Probably a better fic, overall, than "Eschatos," though less grand in scale. But this is the fic in which I really felt like I figured out Laura Roslin, at least in her late season 3 incarnation (one of these days I really do need to hammer through the Laura of 4.0 because yeah, character development). I've written a lot of character analysis about Laura, but this may be the best (and most concise) of it.

3. untitled Farscape drabble: This was for the Reunion Fic Challenge that thassalia hosted last year. The prompt was "Chiana and Moya, ages hence," and I only wrote a few sentences, but of all the few ficcish sentences I've written, these are among my very favorites. (And as a two-fer, in the same post there's a Cam/Teal'c ficlet I wrote for the same challenge. It wouldn't have made this list in its own right, but since it's there...)

4. "Five Things That Never Happened to Xhalax Sun" (Farscape): I really love Xhalax Sun. Part of this affection (which does not seem to be broadly shared) is mere quirkiness, I'm sure, but quite a lot of my affection for her and for her arc in the show has to do with my love of choices and possibilities and how we can see them play out in narrative. One of the Big Themes of Farscape is the idea that love is transformative, that loving someone can make you "more," can make so much sacrifice worthwhile. Yet Xhalax comes in and turns that all on its head: she loved, and it destroyed her. So a familiar framework to play with the things Xhalax didn't choose.

5. "If you're thinking of leaving (you're leaving at a very bad time)" (SG-1): If I were to write this story over again, there are a number of things I think I'd strongly consider changing, but I remain very fond of it nevertheless. I was very invested in Daniel/Janet for a long time (and remain so, to a certain extent), and when half of your pairing gets killed, the AUs start to abound, even in a corner of a fandom as tiny as Daniel/Janet. But the more I thought about it, and the more I watched the Daniel of seasons 9 and 10, the more I suspected that the AU would not be so happily-ever-after. In some ways this fic is me having outgrown the way I used to think about a long-beloved pairing, with all the residual affection that having loved something for years leaves behind. Bittersweet.
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