when Siskos cry, so do I

Oct 10, 2008 23:44

I finished season 3 of DS9 and keep meaning to write something up about that. Mostly, ever increasing love of the oh, ODO!!! variety. Also much continued love of Kira, Sisko, and Bajoran politics, plus ever-increasing adoration of Garak. None of this surprising to anyone.

I spent most of today in a funk, sort of wishing I could want something that I Do Not Want, because if I did want it, my life might be so much easier. Ah well. At the conclusion of the funky, mildly depressed day, I curled up with a glass of wine and the beginning of season 4. Worf!!! I knew, of course, he was showing up, but I wasn't sure when exactly. I don't have that much to say about the season-opening double episode, except that I'm glad to have Worf around. The second episode, however, was "The Visitor," in which an elderly Jake Sisko relates his life spent trying to get his father un-stuck out of time. It was a fine episode but not exceptional, yet I bawled like a baby. As soon as Jake started crying I just lost it. I'm sure it has much more to do with my present emotional state than with the episode itself, but still. I didn't realize I loved the Siskos quite so much!!! I also think I'm going to need to hunt down a Sisko icon.


In completely unrelated news, I would like some book recommendations. In the middle of the funk today it occurred to me that it's been an unconscionably long time since I've done much curling up with a book for fun, and although I have a stack of unread books sitting around, none of them are jumping out at me right now. Most of them, I fear, require a little more brainpower than I want to expend just at the moment. So tell me about the last book that you simply could not put down! I want some good page-turners. Fiction, preferably, of any sort, as long it's got a compelling story and good characters.

ds9, books

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