Some of you have no doubt heard
beanpot and me making noise for quite some time about our plans for a female friendship ficathon. Our plans have been delayed over the summer, but we're finally ready to get the ball rolling. So to get started, have a poll. We're interested in how many people might be interested in participating (just a rough estimate--you're not committing to a thing; in fact, this will be a commitment-free ficathon from start to finish!), and in what kind of time frame would work best for the most people.
Here's what we're thinking about for the ficathon. It will be multi-fandom, focused on friendships between women. There are other and great places to celebrate female characters in a broad sense, and there are other and great places to celebrate femslash. We're interested in that underrepresented genre, non-romantic relationships between women. This may not be a narrow definition of "friendship" in every case, but that's as good an umbrella word as any. The format will be pick-your-own-prompt, and there will be no need to claim prompts (I don't think anyone would object to five people writing about Sam and Vala: Space Pirates, do you?); the idea is to keep it all very low-maintenance for us and to give participants as much freedom as possible.
Please feel encouraged to pimp this around. It would be nice to get as many people and fandoms involved as possible. And also feel free to leave comments if you have questions or suggestions.
And on to the poll:
Poll Female Friendship Ficathon: Interest and Timing