kind of grumpy

Nov 04, 2007 18:44

My shiny new iPod, which has been riddled with software glitches in the month that I've had it, seems really to have self-destructed. I tried the "games" function, and suddenly the entire thing was wiped. I've now tried to restore it five or six times, the last of which seemed to be successful, only to have it shut down completely (blinking apple). I put it into disk mode (I've gotten good at this), restored yet again, and it claims to be syncing my music (again) as I type. Chances are good that this won't actually work. Regardless, I've got a warranty, and Veronica the iPod will be going back to Best Buy at the first opportunity I get, hopefully to be exchanged for a better-function Veronica 2.0. I did not pay the money I paid to fight with this thing twice a week.

ETA: Yup, it's dead. Stupid iPod.


So I got all excited by the last four episodes of B5 season 2. And although I knew better, I went looking for fic. And even though I'm being careful not to read fics with spoilers for things I haven't seen, there are inevitably spoilers in the summaries, and now I feel like I've probably ruined some things for myself. Although I did something similar when I was watching Farscape, and, well, that turned out all right.

Mostly, I'm very eager to start season 3, but my viewing buddy is away this weekend, so no such luck. I don't even have a copy of the episodes, which is just as well, since I'm not sure I'd have the willpower to wait for her, and that's not very nice.

And I didn't really care about John/Delenn, but seriously 98% of the fic I've found (that I'm allowed to read and otherwise) is John/Delenn, and I've been reading predictable shippy post-eps for "Confessions and Lamentations" and "Comes the Inquisitor" and, yeah, okay, I'm going to ship them. I can just tell. *imagines gabolange grinning*

But why so little Susan/Talia fic?!?!?!?!? *pouts*


In football news, will somebody beat Ohio St. already and get them out of that undeserved #1 spot? Not that they aren't a good team this year, but they're not nearly the team they've been in the past, and I absolutely guarantee they wouldn't be unbeaten if they were in the SEC, and probably not if they were in the Pac-10, either. Having the rest of your usually strong conference sort of disintegrate is not a good enough reason to be sitting pretty in the #1 spot.

I've grown up an Alabama fan because my mom grew up an Alabama fan, but I was still kind of glad that LSU beat them Saturday. So many of the SEC teams are so good this year that it's really unfair that they all have to play (and beat) each other all season long. Really, the only really bad team in the whole conference this year is Ole Miss; any of the other teams could play competitively and have a decent shot at beating any of the top ten teams. And yet LSU is really the only team getting attention because everyone else (because they have to play each other) has at least 2 losses. It doesn't make me happy, but if LSU is the only hope for an SEC team in the title game, so be it.

My own Kentucky boys had a much-needed week off this week, after three grueling and emotional games. More grueling and emotional games to come--Georgia and Tennessee, specifically. (And also Vandy, who isn't just a gimme win this year, either.)


I've caught up on lots of sleep this weekend, but I'm still feeling exhausted and sluggish, plus panicky about work. And I keep forgetting to eat, and then don't want anything but cereal when I remember, so I suppose it's no wonder I'm feeling exhausted and sluggish. And still very hormonal and weepy. Bleh.

football, babylon 5

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