Make your genetics your bitch.

Dec 08, 2008 23:37

Repo! The Genetic Opera is just good for fandom, I think.

I've been procrastinating from studying French over the past couple days by reading up on it online, and I'm actually quite amazed that I've yet to find truly, mind-numbingly-bad fic based on the film. Perhaps because it's not widely known or released. For whatever reason, there seems to be a disproportionate number of good fic to bad fic, which makes me smile. Sure, some of it could use a little more description, but overall, it's quite good. Even the sole genderswap story online is decently-written.

Maybe one reason why it's good for fandom is that there are very few scenarios to be dreamed up that could squick a person out after having seen the film. I haven't seen another fandom since Heroes in which slash and incest are so canon.

Maybe I love the experience of the film and the opera so much because it seems to clearly be a labor of love for everyone involved. The director has said he spent over a year pleading with Lion's Gate to make the film, the co-writer Terrance Zdunich acts, sings, and designs graphics for the movie, all the actors seem genuinely excited to promote it. Even Paris Hilton seems committed to the project. The director said she spent days putting together giant picture books of how she wanted her character, Amber Sweet, to look. It's really hard for me not to love something when everyone involved in its production is just beaming and so freaking excited about it, or when a director finds out the distributor has given the film no marketing budget, so he sets out on a cross-country road trip with his own money to promote the movie.

Maybe I just find Bill Moseley really freaking hot when he's playing a crass, disgusting business man with snaking black stitches all over his chest:

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Maybe I find it amusing that I've been listening to the soundtrack for months and never noticed the incestuous undertones. Of course, seeing the visual of Amber licking her brother's ears, or hearing that he's killed three men who bid on her fake face; those are things that aren't easily expressed in the music.

Maybe I love the fact that Zdunich looks like the bad girl's version of Jack Sparrow and gets to hump Paris Hilton in an alleyway, when in real life he looks like that dorky man who sits alone at the bar and stares at his feet. Or that he makes four words into a mantra that gets stuck in my head all day.

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Maybe I just really love that Moseley and Hilton are hot together and make two small roles into my favorites in a tiny budget rock opera. Maybe I just can't stop singing, "Zydrate comes in a little glass vial." Maybe I just really freaking love this movie hardcore.

movies, fandom, a little glass vial, bill moseley's sexy stitches, amber sweet is addicted to the knife

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