
Jul 05, 2008 09:45

Hm. I'm in the process of preparing myself for this afternoon, just watched the first Children in Need special, currently watching "New Earth," plan to re-watch at least "Doomsday" and "The Stolen Earth." Yes, I will be an emotional wreck the majority of the day. I've come to accept it. Thoughts are swirling around in my head and I wish I hadn't spent so much of my time already ranting and speculating to people who haven't even watched series four.

Anyway, I've just completed my first full week of work. I got a minimum wage job at Target, which is kind of sucky because I do so much backroom work, but it could be worse. There are so really nice people there, like Petra, who smokes every break and always smells nice, and Evelyn, a soon-to-be senior at Clackamas. My dad's already made jokes about me being like the Target lady played by Kristen Wiig on Saturday Night Live, but fortunately, I've yet to purchase anything from the store with my employee discount. There was a super-cute soft dress yesterday, but I decided my meager funds would be best spent on prescriptions and renting crazy Asian horror movies, not to mention saving some money for the Flight of the Conchords show next weekend.

Work is tedious sometimes. I hate all the lifting of super-heavy boxes, and especially the way we sweep and mop the back room every day even though there's construction workers tramping through there who will make it all dirty the next day. I also get really frightened of using the cardboard baler because someone at the store once cut off their fingers in it. I never realized there were so many ways to be maimed or killed at Target, but there are numerous ones. Cashiering is definitely my favorite thing to do. I like seeing a lot of different people, smiling and asking if they've got any giftcards, hearing the happy beep the scanner makes when you swipe an item over it, working fast, and seeing my scores as a checker on my computer screen. I know that sounds silly, but I really do enjoy it. I just wish I could do it more often.

I don't read as many books as I'd like to now. I feel like I have this basic schedule now: wake up, drink two cups of coffee and watch Gilmore Girls, work until five, come home and eat something quick, spend several hours writing and "larking about," watch Torchwood with Julia, and go to bed. It's kind of sad. I really, really need a social life. Maybe people from work. It's a possibility.

I saw Hancock on Tuesday night with Julia, and I really, really loved it. I thought the film would be good, but it turned out to be much more than I expected. It was suddenly so much more serious in the last third of the film, but it was still really great. I do think it's a bit weird though that so many people seem to have left that theater, thinking, "Jason Bateman and Will Smith should've hooked up." Including myself. There's already a Hancock fanfiction community on LiveJournal, and it so far consists only of Ray/Hancock fans. Doubt we'll get any Mary/Hancock stories, that's just too canon.

In October, the musical Spring Awakening is coming to Portland, and I'm incredibly excited to see it. I love going to see musicals and the music here is actually very good. I think I've become even more excited after taking part in this iTunes drabble challenge in which you put an mp3 player on random, write a story relating to the song, and only have the length of that song to write. The first song that came up was "The Word of Your Body" from Spring Awakening, and I think it's now my favorite song about sex and its complications:

image Click to view

It's a Veronica Mars fanvid, and I lost interest in the show a while ago, but any show seems great to me when there's a soundtrack penned by Duncan Sheik.

Only thirty-three minutes until it airs, and a couple hours til I can watch it. I am going to be the absolute biggest mess. I will probably be posting later and attempting to type while crying. We'll see.

movies, ten, rose tyler, doctor who, music, friends

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