The Stolen Earth

Jun 28, 2008 20:27

Freakin' Daleks!

I can has Jack/Ianto/Gwen "the world is ending"-threeway yes? Someone must write this fic.

How many Companions can you fit into an opening credit sequence? The answer: Five, if you run the credits really fast. And seriously, Billie Piper's name is at the very end? Because the viewers have all been on the edge of their seats about Martha Jones returning, not Rose Tyler.

Wasn't too fond of those rhino things in "Smith and Jones." Still not too fond of them.

I love that Jack has to clarify to Ianto that "No, I did not have sex with that random soldier I met in a bar."

This is one of those times where I wish I watched old Who so I could understand the gravity of Davros returning.

Daleks sound scary when they laugh.

The lady with the rhino aliens looks vaguely like the girl from the Killers' "Mr. Brightside" video all grown up.

I love that David Tennant can out-act Mark Wahlberg for talks about disappearing honey bees. The Happening, the whole 40 minutes I watched of it, is a part of my life I will never have back.

Your bricks are powerless against the mighty Daleks!

YES! Badass Rose!

Ever since reading a post on time_and_chips, all I can think is Rose Tyler + Ten pre-"Doomsday" equals baby equals member of the Noble family. It kind of screws with my head.

How is Gwen still with Rhys? It's not fair to him, what with her sleeping with Owen and being in love with Jack. Plus, I find his lack of angst disturbing.

"Captain Jack Harkness, stand to attention!" Ha. That's what she said.

Oh god yes, Rose, who the HELL is Martha Jones?! Why is she in the Brady Bunch squares, but not Rose? And seriously, this makes me want, even more, to yell, "Martha, stfu!"

Ugh, Billie Piper, I love you. You are why my brain is screaming at Martha Jones. Repeatedly. My mouth would be too, but watching Who around the parents means I cannot yell obscenities.

Phew...just calm down, Christy. As soon as the Doctor sees Rose, you will forget Martha's annoying Doctor-clingyness and probably start crying...

Way to go down with dignity, Harriet Jones.

It will be quite sad after the finale is over though because that means all those lovely stories about the Doctor and Rose having "we're in danger" sex up against a brick wall while the Daleks scream, "Exterminate" in the streets will be non-canon or AU or whatever. Sadness. I love those fics.

Outer space Facebook! Hells yes!

Eww...Davros is very plastic-looking, but still gross.

You better be fine, Jack, or series three of Torchwood is shot to hell.

What, no tin dog with Sarah Jane and Lucas? RTD, I cannot deal with no more David Tennant right now. Just, no. Damnit, just as the Doctor and Rose were running to each other...

Ah, and I'm crying again. Awesome.

EDIT- Seriously, RTD? Two weeks now that I've started writing less than twenty minutes after seeing the episode. Basic drill, time_and_chips if you'd like to see me being a super-nerd.

ten, rose tyler, fandom, torchwood, doctor who, tv

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