Girl in the Fireplace

Jun 13, 2008 00:17

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Just re-watched it.

Someone needs to write a fic about the goings-on of Rose's mind after realizing the Doctor's trapped in France. Preferably an angsty one, with her attempting to process the fact that he's fallen in love with someone else the episode after she's just explained to Sarah Jane Smith how deep her devotion to the Doctor is. I can totally picture a stream-of-consciousness story that features her repeating over and over again, "'M never gonna leave you" inside her head, even after feeling a bit betrayed. I just am under the impression that her comment, "why her?" at the end of the episode isn't simply about why the robots wanted Madame de Pompadour, but why the Doctor fell in love with her as well. Kind of like Martha's comment in season three: "You went and fell in love with a human...and it wasn't me."

Oh, lord. I think I may have something else to do during my first week back at home. I am a tremendous geek, aren't I?

rose tyler, fandom, doctor who

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