Which The Office character are you?
Your Result: Kelly Kapoor
You are Kelly, the shopping lover, the very talkative girl who is always talking about either relationships or clothes. You are very kind but if you find someone who will talk to you, you will try to talk to them for, like, an hour.
Jim Halpert
Michael Scott
Dwight Kurt Schrute
Jan Levinson Ghould...wait, no ghould
Angela Martin
Pamela Beesley
Which The Office character are you?Make a Quiz I think that kind of fits, don't you?
Singers I Am Currently In Love With:
Amanda Barrett
Eugene Hutz
Chandra Watson
Finished reading The Historian today. It's kind of like The Da Vinci Code for people who read well. The chapters seemed kind of short to me (some are around ten pages), but much longer than anything by Dan Brown. I mean, I liked Da Vinci Code too, but it was very poorly written. I liked this one better, but I kind of got tired of Paul mooning over Helen, writing her these ridiculously sappy love letters. Still, it's a great vampire novel, without the homoeroticism. When Dracula finally appears, I put the book down to answer the phone, and realized my hands were shaking. That hasn't happened since 'Salem's Lot, and before that, the Nancy Drew books when I was nine.
Started Misery, will probably finish it tonight. I really like it. Annie Wilkes is effing mental, obviously, but she's just amazingly readable. I love the part where Paul finds her memory book of all the people she's murdered. Crazy.
Love that New Seasons is a block away from my house. I bought some soy jerky there last night, and I realized that the perfect lunch for me is a side-size salad, a snack size package of soy jerky, and a can of Diet Coke. The soy kind of expands in your stomach, so it fills you up quickly, and then I don't feel compelled to eat more. I need to get rid of the extra weight on my tummy.
I've decided to order one of the backless tops Mindy Kaling talked about on her blog. They're just so super cute. I also want to order that ubiquitous pink Aerie hoodie with hearts on it. I have been spending way too much on clothes lately though. I ordered a cool Magnetic Fields shirt off eBay, and this very lovely "99 Luftballoons" tee from threadless.com.
Going to see Rilo Kiley on Friday, so awesome, and I'm hoping I can still get tickets for the Thermals on Saturday night.
Also, I think it's completely sad that Jenna Fischer and James Gunn are separating. Besides the fact that they just seemed like such a lovely match, they work well together-- see Lollilove.
But, too make yourself feel better, watch the cutest lesbian band ever:
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And if those lesbians aren't enough for you, enjoy some L Word highlights...
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