Turkish coffee

May 28, 2006 12:53

Does anyone have any tips? The method I use (derived from Claudia Roden with backup from Google) is: put appropriate amounts of water, sugar, coffee and optional cardamom in appropriate pot (as purchased from the Turkish shop down the street from work). Bring to boil so that froth rises. Remove from heat, stir and repeat until a third froth rises. Some recipes say four froths, but I reckon I'm doing well if the froth rises three times, because after two or three frothings it just wants to boil vigourously without making any froth. The final stage is to spoon the froth into the cup before pouring the coffee onto it. My problem is that - assuming the coffee is still frothing at all - as soon as I put the spoon into what looks like froth, it magically disappears. It still tastes fine (cardamom, mmmm), but I want my froth dammit.

Possible reasons:
1) Maybe my quantities are slightly off. The recipes don't specify how big the "demitasse" unit of water measurement is, nor how far up the little pot the water should come.
2) It may simply be that you can't really make it in single portions, and even the smallest of the three-pot set I have is too big for my demitasse (a rounded espresso cup adopted from St Hilda's College), which may be too small.
3) I don't really know how finely the coffee should be ground. The recipes I've seen say "very fine grind but not powdered".

Unfortunately the iron tablets demand I leave two hours between them and coffee consumption, so opportunities to experiment come only on my days off.


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