Tagged by Setje

Aug 16, 2005 22:08

This is a game of tag. You have to answer the questions below and then TAG six of your friends. You are offered three sets of questions. You can choose any set of questions that you want to answer. Then tag six of your friends.

Set 1.
List 3 things that bug you that others may find trivial.
1: Whisper. I cannot stand the sound. Really.
2: Strangers shoving/touching(even slightly) me to reach something or ask me something. Maybe this sounds a bit "out there" but I hate it when people, I don't know, do that.
3: People smoking on boats/ferries. Yes, I know it's outside but the wind blows the smoke right into my nostrils.

Set 2.
List 3 things that make chocolate even better.

1: Coffee...strong
2: Banana and/or orange
3: Milk

Set 3.
List 3 things you'd rather be doing than playing a game of LJ tag.

1: Write an essay/story
2: Have a shower
3: Finish David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson biographies for the website

Consider yourself tagged...


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