Nov 22, 2010 22:10
so many things about humankind disgust me. the big one right now is 4 locos. if people weren't so desperate to get drunk, i'd be so much more accepting of the party lifestyle. what happened to buying beer and enjoying your friends' company? now its all about seeing how fast you can get fucked up. can you really enjoy a night out while you're shitfaced? i went through that stage at NINETEEN. i was a child. why are all these people around me in such a childlike stage still? there's more to life than wasting gas, money, energy, etc. on "partying". especially if you have 2 children and have a dead end job. its one thing to want to relax after a day of work by having a beer or two, but if you can't even pay your own house, why are you spending money on "extras"? every cent matters when you're below the poverty line, bitch. you're in a hole that you dig deeper and deeper everytime you buy weed and alcohol. ugh, what a great example for your children. no wonder the future of our country is so bleak.
my perfect life would be this: waking up early in the morning to make my husband (yeah, husband. i still believe in marriage before living together, NOT THAT IT MATTERS) some breakfast. clean up a bit, then bathe our babies and feed them and whatnot. spend the day reading a book or something productive to help me become a better human. make a delicious and somewhat nutritious meal for my family. clean up and watch a movie or 2. start dinner. get dolled up for husband to come home. enjoy our family dinner, with NO CELL PHONES. of course not every day would be that way, i'd want some date nights and play dates and whatnot.
nowhere in my ideal fantasy world do PARTIES, CHEAP ALCOHOL, or DRUGS fit. a dinner party with another couple with some wine, YES. husband leaving me at night to get fucked up and come home at 4 am, FUCK NO. husband's friends texting him that he's boring/lame/gay for not having a nightlife, NO THANKS.
it's scary how fast TRASH is becoming normal and acceptable. i'm all for equality and not judging but that does not mean that my standards need to drop or be affected in any way. WHY DO I HAVE TO WITNESS SUCH BULLSHIT!? the children being born to these sad fucks are not going to know any better because their examples are SHITTY. those children are going to grow up to be in charge of the world i will have to live in. the world MY children will live in. that scares the shit out of me.
i don't belong here. i don't know where i belong. i shouldn't be 22. i should be older. i want peace, tranquility, a stable life, a family, love, comfort, understanding, and this is all stuff i have to offer. so it's not like its too far fetched. my mom always tells me that back in her day, people with the hobbies that my peers have were avoided at all costs because they were bad news. now they're the "cool" ones, the ones everyone texts on friday nights to see what they're doing. unwed mothers were sent away to godknowswhere, now they proudly parade their very own football teams, who are usually all from different fathers, always dirty and lack any sign of civilization. they're all feral children.
god save us. he's the only one who can.