Jun 06, 2006 18:23
Last week i survived 6 days without any internet access, with food poisoning, and giving my first conference paper.
Yay me.
After i met up with Menaka, Tammy, Rachel, and Matt at William's on tuesday night i went back home and packed to go to Toronto (i was supposed to leave at lunchtime on wednesday). At about 11pm i started to feel a bit crappy, but since my stomach is tempremental, i didn't think much of it. At 1:30am I started seriously throwing up. 12 times and and 8 hours later I was unable to move. Goddamn cheesecake. I spent the day sleeping (seriously, I was awake for maybe 4 hours total) and called Mira to tell her I was horribly ill and not coming to Toronto. I slept all night and, thank god, was feeling somewhat normal. My mum drove me to York for lunchtime on thursday (an hour and a half before my paper).
The paper-giving itself went well: i was a little weak and uncaffeinated (my last coffee was on tuesday morning!!!)b/c of my delicate belly and i was a bit shaky, but i was wearing my kick-ass shoes and somehow managed not to look like death and give a decent (though perhaps a little quiet) presentation.
Hurrah for being finished!! Boo for stupid food poisoning and dumbasses at William's who can't keep their cheesecake fresh. Bastards!!! Incompetent asshats!!!
The rest of the conference was good. I'd properly recovered by friday and managed to have beer, sushi, and wine, AND I stayed up until 5am. Much, much better.