Mar 10, 2005 23:57
I wrote this for a scholarship, it contains a lot of a previous poem I posted a while ago. I haven't submitted it yet but if you could all just let me know your reactions...give me some feedback!
For four long years my heartstrings have been taught,
But on no girl's ears has a catchy tune been caught.
Off beat and out of tune,
It seems I'll have a girlfriend no time soon.
No women cast a line or rod,
For I seem to be the only pea out of the pod.
I am the fish, who hopes to be caught,
But a lure I see not.
Maybe it is I, looking too high up in the sky,
Who should land before I try to fly.
How the tables do turn,
When having a relationship becomes my chief concern.
As you take a look around,
One only sees couples found.
One never notices how they got there,
And who wants to care?
Maybe it is I, who needs to step up to the plate,
And end this pointless prate.
I won't test the water,
I'll jump right in,
And accept the skin I'm in.
What am I really out to find?
Can I truly say I'm in a bind?
Once you've made a connection,
You will always earn for that affection.
I experience sensory overload,
From beauty hitting my frontal lobe.
I need to prioritize,
And keep my eyes on the real prize.
College is surely on the way,
And I won't let my love life ruin graduation day.
Thanks in advance!