Jun 07, 2004 12:24
i implore all fans of j. k. rowling's brilliant books to pass on the film version of harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. it is a horrid waste of time and money.
things i liked about the film:
1. alan rickman in a dress
2. buckbeak
3. emma thompson
4. the choral piece sung in the great hall
things i hated about the film:
1. the new director was crap
~he seems incapable of making scenes more than 2.5 minutes
long and had obviously has no idea of how to be consistent
~it's like he was trying to be a cross between tim burton
baz lurman and failed miserably
2. the whole "look at me! i think i'm brilliant visualist!" feel
of the film (especially since the visuals were altogether
unimpressive and down right bad)
3. the script
4. the timeline was completely out of whack
5. way too many liberties were taken with the story
6. people are going to see it(for the most part) because they
are fans of the book, therefore it is unnecessaryto alter the
story or it's characters to make them more cool or hip
i.e. ~draco's hair, the quiditch uniforms, hermione, and fred
and george. . . to name a few
7. dementors don't fly!
8. when did draco become a coward? we know he's a jerk, but a
coward? come on!
9. was harry supposed to be crying under that invisibility cloak?
10. i'm sure micheal gambon would have done a great job as albus,
if he had had more screen time and less stupid lines
11. poor severus, rubeus(hagrid), and ron were reduced to
idiotic, static characters
12. electronics don't work at hogwarts!
13. since when do dementors fly?
14. the golden snitch is charmed, so that it won't leave the
quiditch pitch
15. what was with the ghosts on horseback?
16. sirius was absolutely bonkers
17. all of those stupid shots of the whomping willow changing
for the seasons
18. dementors don't fly!
19. plot holes you could drive a bus through
~never explainging how remus knew staright away that the
marauders map was infact a map
~why severus wanted revenge against sirius
~why harry's patronus is a stag, ect, ect, ect. . .
20. that was one stupid looking werewolf
21. the whole seen with remus in werewolf form
22. harry getting his firebolt at the end
23. the entire quiditch match
24. remus is supposed to be thin and ill-looking, with tattered
robes and briefcase
i could go on and on with things that i hated about this movie, but i'll spare you all of the details. i think you get the point. what bothers me is just how awful this director was. i mean, where the hell did they find this guy? and where was j. k. rowling when they were filming this? this ranks right up there with what ridley scott did to hannibal! while ridley scott butchered that book, at least he had good visuals!
things that surprised me:
1. david thewlis did not do a terrible job. . . he wasn't remus,
but he didn't do as bad as i had suspected he might
2. the dementors did not look like the nazgul for the lord of
the rings
3. peter pettigrew really grossed me out
harry potter,
early lj