After seeing the pictures from Pinki's sister's wedding, I was inspired to share some pictures of my friends and family. I put some of me here too, but they are not very good. I actually am attractive in real life! LOL!
The love of my life, my dog, Aremis (with dirt on his nose):
My Momar, Lauretta (top - with my Uncle Jean, bottom - with my brother, Austin):
My dad, after all his surgeries, ect:
My siblings (top - taken in '83 with Grandma (who died in '86), bottom - brother Austin, middle - sister Jessica, far right - room-mate and "adopted" sister Crystal):
My niece, Olivia, also known as Slimpy (top - with my brother Austin on the beach by my house, bottom - on the swing with my mom):
Me (left - crappy Christmas Eve pic with red hair, top/middle - anti gravity tits, top/right - with my good friend Jesse, bottom/left - sexy legs ;), bottom/middle - driving Slimpy's Cozy Coupe, bottom/right - my favorite shirt):
My wife, Alexandra (bottom/right - yes, that was taken on the Great Wall of China!):
My dear, dear friend, Jesse and her husband, Billy (who I call the Loaner):
My god-son, Will (Jesse and Billy's son, and a future Drag Queen - I'm sure of it):
Two ex-girlfriends, Nicole and Barbara: